Chapter 16

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The voice wasn't wrong. I screamed with agony over and over again until I couldn't. Until my vocal chords couldn't shed a single sound.

The year I spent in this hellhole was strapped to a chair with no movement. A man with a thick accent came by every day and tortured me.

It was the words he said.

It was the words he made me say.

I never knew his name but I could never forget his face or the smile that was always there when I cried out.

He would come by, with an axe in hand and make me choose. He said two names and I would choose which one lived and which one didn't.

His laugh almost drowned out my screams.

The part that pained me the most was when he would say Dream's name because I knew it didn't matter the second name, I would choose Dream to live in a heartbeat.

I was selfish. The other person meant something to someone and I took them away from them because I loved Dream. Who was I to decide who deserved to live and who didn't?

I didn't know why he did any of this until he told me Dream was the one that killed him. This was his revenge. Even in the afterlife I was being used as a ploy against Dream.

I couldn't stop hearing the names come out of my mouth. The people I deemed more worthy to die than the other.

I would never be the same. They broke me.

I sobbed for the lives I had a part in taking. I laid there limp when I finally appeared back in the cottage with Karl waiting for me.

Why did I deserve another chance at life when I was the reason so many didn't have their own?

I didn't deserve it when Karl came to my side and hugged me. Whispering that it was okay even though he didn't know who I was because if he did.

If anyone knew they wouldn't even touch me. I got up and thanked Karl.

Then I ran. I ran to the love of my life and only could hope he could put me back together.

I will always run to him.

I didn't stop running until I got to Dream. Until I saw him stand there in anticipation, waiting to see if it worked. I saw his smile and I couldn't help but smile too.

Then I ran to him. As soon as I reached him I kissed him full of passion and lust for our lost time.

It didn't matter how much time it was, we picked up right where we left off. He put his hand on my cheek and turned until my back hit the wall, continuing to kiss me.

I jumped up and locked my legs around his torso and continued. My lips and tongue saying more than words can.

The only thing stopping me from ripping his clothes off was the security cameras beeping as a reminder that Sam was watching.

Once he set me down, I slapped him. "What the hell did you do to get locked up in a place like this."

The prison seemed almost invincible to a break in. Treating him like some beast that had to be contained with a cage.

"How am I supposed to break you out?" I tried to sound joking just in case Sam could hear.

Dream didn't respond, his face went pale.

I held his hand and looked up to him. "I love you."

It was enough reassurance for him to tell me everything he did. How he exiled Tommy and made a wall around L'Manburg. I saw regret when he told me his plan to kill Tubbo.

I wish I could've been mad at him. To hate him for almost killing my good friend but I couldn't find it in me. Not when I did things worse, not when I wanted him to forgive me for my past.

So I told him I forgave him and he seemed more than surprised about my lack of anger.

"I-I did some terrible things when I was dead."

He didn't ask me for details and I was beyond grateful for it. Dream embraced me and told me he loved me. That nothing would change it.

Dream's POV

I did my best not to ask what those terrible things were but it was hard not to see the change in her face. She looked drained and tired, her eyes usually glimmering with hope now were stilled.

I became pained with regret. (Y/n) had put herself through that at what gain?

I didn't know if she would ever be the same, all that she has gone through. All that I put her through. There is no doubt in my mind that she wouldn't have had to endure half the things she had to, if she never met me.

I was poison.

"I don't want you to come back for awhile," I finally said, "I want you to experience the life you always wanted. See the mountains, the rivers, and the ocean. See it all first and then come back."

Before it was too late. Before they find you and use you against me like they will always do. Those words left unsaid.

"I am going to get you out of here."

I gently let go. "No please don't waste your time with it."

She crossed her arms like she always did when she got frustrated. "This is what you do every time! You believe you don't deserve something great and then you push the people that love you away. George and Sapnap are gone because of it. Do you really want me to leave too?

If only she knew the foul things I said to them. I didn't blame Sapnap when he showed up to escort me to the prison.

Of course I didn't want her to leave but I wasn't going to have her waste her second chance at life attempting to figure out a way for me to leave this godforsaken place. I would be here for eternity.

"I can think of a thousand reasons why you would be better without me," I came closer putting my hand on her cheek. "Only one reason to stay. One selfish reason."

I felt her put her own hand on top of mine, the one that was cupping her cheek.

"Be selfish," She said in barely a whisper.

I wouldn't. I would be better for her because she deserved it.

"You will only be used as a weapon against me." I whispered back.

Techno knew it and I am sure everyone else did too. As long as we were together they wouldn't stop to use my love for her to force me into falling to their will.

Something flickered in her eyes. Not the glimmer it usually had but something darker, unrecognizable. Her skin turned icy cold in my hand and just like that she left me, speechless.

(Y/N)'s POV

I cracked my knuckles on the way out of the prison, not bothering to acknowledge Sam's existence. He would suffer if it came down to it. If he were to get in my way.

I played the damsel in distress too long, made them believe it too much. I was a weapon but not against Dream. Against them all.

I won't stop until Dream is out of that prison. Whatever it will take.

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