🌼Chapter 25🌼

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Author note:
Ive decided not to add any smut :P

Still laying on the couch they stared at each other with heartfelt eyes
-"Im sorry, just pretend this never happened " said Yibo while blushing and stood up, but before he could stand up fully he was pulled back down.
-"Stay like this for a bit
I missed you Bobi" said Zhan and hugged Yibo

-"Im sorry for leaving you all alone... I felt terrible about it." said Zhan and burried his head into Yibos chest, Yibo felt tears on his chest

-"Zhangege... Theres no reason for you to feel guilty. I'm the one that should apologise... You always suffer all the hardships by yourself.
Now you're never going to have to suffer by yourself again, I promise" said Yibo and gave a kiss on Zhan's forehead. He knew that Zhan didnt purposely leave him, nor wanted to leave him. It was all because work. He struggled all these years with no help of others to support the company and keep it at its best state at such a young age. I feel so guilty for not helping him enough nor being by his side to at least emotionally support him

They stayed cuddling and small talking until Yibo just had to interrupt this lovely moment

-"i have to pee" Yibo tried to get up

-"nooo" giggled Zhan

30 minutes later



Thank you for reading amd have a great day!
Stay safe!

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