🌼Chapter : 1🌼

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-"Yibo! You come to board and solve this math problem"-said the Teacher

-"Yibo! You come to board and solve this math problem"-said the Teacher

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(Yibo's outfit)
-"Yibo...wake up"-said Seung-youn as he pinched him

(Seung-youn's outfit)-"Ouuchh!"-"Yibo!Are you going to solve this for us or no?!"-asked the Teacher angrily-"Solve what?"-"WERE YOU SLEEPING AGAIN?THIS US THE 5TH TIME IVE CAUGHT YOU IN THIS WEEK! WANG YIBO SORRY TO TELL YOU THIS BUT IM NOT BLIND!...

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(Seung-youn's outfit)
-"Yibo!Are you going to solve this for us or no?!"-asked the Teacher angrily
-"Solve what?"
-"I don't have parents"
-"I meant your brother"
After class
-"This bitch keeps forgetting!" Said Seung-youn
-"It's whatever! I'm used to this kind of bullshit"
-"Those bitches!"
-"Bro it's not a big deal!"
-"Oh by the way, can you come to my place after school?"
-"Yeah sure, I don't have anything else to do so.."
-"Great! My family is out so I'm all alone. So scawwyy"
-"Sometimes I wonder that maybe your not a grown man... You're a toddler under disguise toddler!"
-"Goo goo gaa gaa"
-"What's the next class?"
-"Rest in peace my brain cells"
-"Mine too, every time that teacher speaks I lose like 3 of them in a minute!"
-"Is that even possible?"
-"Yeah, I dont know okay!? I'm not a scientist or whatever"

On history class:
-"Class Going today read history of Americuh"-said the teacher
-"And That was three brain cells"Said Seung-youn
-"They first discover....then died he....Start colony new...."
After a whole lot of brain cells losing class was FINALLY OVER
-"FINALLY! I've survived!" Said Yibo
-"Thank you god lord Jesus for ending this!"
-"Do we have lunch here or at your place?"
-"The school lunch is nasty! Let's have it at my place"
-"Okay you spoiled brat"
-"I can make some instant ramen for us"
-"You rather eat that, instead of the school food?"
-"Yeah, at least I know for sure that my hands are clean"
-"You do you"
-"Okay let's go, my driver just texted me"
-"Okay okay"
Seung-youn's mansion:
-"Wait why are the lights on...No one is supposed to be home!"
-"Are you kidding me right now?!"
-"Why would I?! Let's go from the backyard and take a weapon with you!" Said Seung-youn as he picked up three rocks and Yibo picked up a stick. They slowly and quietly walked where the lights were on. THEY SAW A MALE FIGURE! They started attacking the intruder
Only Seung -youn and Yibo would react this way to an intruder, a normal person would of called the police just by seeing the light on
-"Ouch! Brother did you go crazy over the past few years when I was away?!" Said the man
-"Zhange? That can't be! He's in NYC!"
The male figure turned around and it was a beautiful man in his mid twenties, A smile of a million, and a slim figure. He was dressed really formal, like he attending to a funeral. As soon as Seoung-youn saw him he hugged him as tight as he could

(Xiao zhan's outfit) -"ZHANGE I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"-cried Seung-youn -"Sorry that I was not able to visit for so long, I had a bit trouble over there"

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(Xiao zhan's outfit)
-"ZHANGE I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!"-cried Seung-youn
-"Sorry that I was not able to visit for so long, I had a bit trouble over there"

Yibo has only heard about Seung-youn talking about his brother but has never got the chance to ever see him. His brother was always busy with work.
-"And this is?" Referred Xiao Zhan to Yibo
-"Oh, Sorry for the rudeness... I'm Wang Yibo! Nice to meet you"
-"Ohhh, your Seung-youn's best friend, right? He has told me about you! I'm Xiao Zhan Seoung-youn's brother. Nice to meet you"

Yibo was thrown away by this man's beauty... is it even possible to look that handsome?!

-"By the way kids, did you guys eat yet?"
-"No, not yet" replied Seoung-youn
-"I'm going to cook you guys some food then"
-"YASS! Zhange's food is the best! I missed it so much!" Cried Seoung-youn
-"Only missed the food? What about me?" Pouted Zhan
-"Of course I missed Zhange, how can you say that!"
As they walked to the kitchen, the boys sat down at the counter to watch chef Zhan do his thing and Chef Zhan started preparing for his show
He took off his tuxedo and instead tied a apron on.

( in apron)He started washing Veggies and slicing them like a professional, while he was doing his thing there was a conversation started between the kids -"hey Yibo, I know you're gay and my brother is pretty, but he's my brother!" Whispered Seun...

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( in apron)
He started washing Veggies and slicing them like a professional, while he was doing his thing there was a conversation started between the kids
-"hey Yibo, I know you're gay and my brother is pretty, but he's my brother!" Whispered Seung-youn to Yibo because he saw Yibo gazing and admiring his brother
-"And? What so if he's your brother?" Replied Yibo back
-"B-b-but... He's my brother and he's much older than you!"
-"Age is just a number!"
-"You know what forget it! Do whatever, it's not like my brother is going to love you back, I mean he's straight"

-"Okay kids, dinner is ready" - said Zhan as he served the arguing toddlers
-"Thank you" said the boys in synchrone
They started eating

-"Okay kids, dinner is ready" - said Zhan as he served the arguing toddlers-"Thank you" said the boys in synchrone They started eating

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(Dinner... Three servings)
-"Yum! Better than the restaurant ones" said Yibo
-"Duuh, of course! This is my brothers masterpiece" said Seung-youn proudly
-" Aww Thanks kids" said Xiao Zhan and smiled brightly at them
When Yibo saw that smile his heart skipped a beat

To be continued...

Thank you so much for reading and as always stay safe <3
Xoxo Author

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