Chapter 1- Shochan [What's Missing]

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Todoroki POV

Every day, week, month, the year I've been in my house forever. The only time I got out is to get groceries or if I am forced to. All I do is write books. Long books, like novels, but recently ratings haven't been good. When starting this career I was doing well, but now it seems to be going the opposite. My career is dying.

When I read the ratings for my newer books most of the ratings say...

'It's good, but not the same as the old books'

'I feel like something is missing from this book'

'This book is nice, but not like his old books'

My ratings range from 1-4 now, not even 5. All ratings say I'm missing something, what am I missing? Is it the inspiration? Passion? I scrolled through some more ratings, before standing up and going to my computer. I am determined to do better on this book. I already wrote the plot, characters, settings, and more. All I need to do is write the chapters, then send it to some proofreaders to correct my mistakes, and then the cover. 

I started to type until it was lunch. So far I only have 2 chapters done and I let out a sigh. My stomach rumbled and I stood up going to my kitchen. I opened my fridge and nothing. I look in my cabinets and nothing. 

"Looks like I need to go out," I mumble.

I stumble to my doorway, sliding my shoes and mask over my face. I walked out and decided to go out somewhere to eat. I know there is a local cafe nearby where I can get onigiri and drink. I walked over to the place and opened the door.

"Deku!! Get your ass up and help in the kitchen!!" I heard someone yell.

"Bakubro! Calm down!" Another said.

"It's Deku-kun's first day! Give him a break," A girl voice whined.

I walked further into the cafe and sat down.

"Hey! We have a customer! Uraraka go assist him please," A glasses boy shouted and a brunette nodded.

"Hello, sir! How may I help you?" She asked in a bubbly tone.

"O-Oh umm, I'll have a plan onigiri and um... water," I say and she nods.

"Anything else?" She asks.

"No thank you," I say and she leaves.

It's kind of hard for me to be around people and talk since I've been stuck in my apartment for so long. I looked around my surroundings and I spotted a green hair boy reading a book. I took a closer look and see he is reading one of my books. He seemed quite interested in it, then I see a huge smile on his face.

"Deku!" A jumped slightly and looked up. I saw a blonde male stomping over to the green-haired boy.

"Ah! S-sorry, Kacchan. I'm just really liking the book," the Green-haired boy said.

"Tch, I don't care. His books are getting boring anyways. Just do your job right now!" the blonde male shouted.

"Okay, okay!"

The greenette grabbed the tray and walked over to me.

"S-sorry for the commotion sir," He says and places my food down.

"Enjoy!" He then says and was about to leave.

"W-wait," I said and he stopped.

"Um, I just wanted to ask what you were reading?" I asked and his eyes sparkled.

"Really!? Do you like to read too?? This book is called 'Under the Moonlight' it's an umm... romantic novel. I really like it!" He exclaimed and I smiled under my mask.

"I also a really big fan of the author and everything he writes. His books are filled with so much passion and emotions that you can feel it too," I blushed when he mentioned the author.

"He's also really handsome- Oh! Um! I mean h-his writing is um," He began to mumble and I did a slight laugh.

"Thought recently his books have been off," The green-haired boy put the book near his chest and I stare at him.

"I don't really know how to explain it, but it's like his books aren't connecting. Like I don't feel the emotion or attachment for a character. It's just different, but no matter what other book he sells I will buy and read!" He said proudly. I kind of just looked down and thought about what he said.

"It really sucks that he doesn't do fan meetings. I bet a lot of his fans would love to see him!" He exclaimed and looked up.

"Really? I- He still has fans?" I asked, almost saying I was the author.

"Y-yeah he does!" The boy shouted unsure of himself. I laughed a little and he seemed to be in awe.

"Anyways! My name is Midoriya Izuku, but most people call me Deku," He introduced himself.

"Oh, I'm... Shoto," I say hesitantly.

"Nice to meet you Shochan! I hope we can talk again soon," He says and leaves. I just stayed frozen from the nickname he gave me. Shochan?

Izuku POV

"Deku-kun... what were you and the new customer talking about?" Uraraka came up to me and nudged me.

"Oh, just about books," I told her and she looked disappointed.

"Hah, now you finally have a friend to gush about your author crush!" I heard Kacchan shout.

"H-hey! I don't have a crush on the author of these books! I just admire him," I stated and he rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, Todoroki's books are starting to get boring too," Kirishima popped out and said.

"I'm offended," I pouted.

"I bet you will buy and read his book no matter how shitty it is!" Kacchan smirked, and I just walked off to Shochan.

"Hello, Shochan! How do you like the food? Everything okay?" I ask and he nods.

"Everything is good," He says. I tried to see his face, but he had a cap and hoody on. I then pouted.

"Why are you pouting?" He asks.

"I-I wanted to see your face," I say shyly.

"Sorry, I'm just not use to being outside," He says and takes another bite of his onigiri.

"No worries! I'm just curious," I say, then he gives me a slip of paper.

"Here's my n-number I hope we cane talk or hangout sometime soon," Shochan said and stood up. Leaving to the door. I looked down and saw he already paid with cash and a tip for me.

Todoroki POV

I can't believe I just did that? But no worries, this will help me get better at writing! And find what is missing...

To Be Continued

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