Part I

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               Have you ever regretted telling someone something? Well, that was the case for our main character, Yosuke Hanamura, as he just told his best friend, Yu Narukami, about how he felt towards him.

                  We start during a rainy day, just before the fog was yet to set in. "Yu.." Yosuke turned towards his friend as the rain hastily fell to the ground.Yu looked over at his friend and gave him a silent nod to tell him he was listening. Yosuke sighed, looked towards the ground and began to fiddle with his shoelaces. "Well," he started off, "I've been meaning to tell you." Yu lifted his head up, now interested in what Yosuke had to say. Yosuke noticed this, his face turning a cherry red. "Yu, I'm gay." both of them froze. Yu pulled out his phone and began to make homophobic posts. "Yu, I'm gay, I'm gay and I'm in love with you, Yu." After he said that, Yosuke kept getting spammed with notifications, "What the.." He quickly looked at his phone, everyone was making homophobic comments towards him.

                   Yosuke began to go feral. Yu just smacked a shit eating grin on his face, "Imagine liking dick and balls, lmao." Yosuke placed his hand on his mouth out of shock, he almost fell off where he was sitting. Yu pulled out a fucking knife, Yosuke just started yelping, barking, even. "This is what you get for wanting balls in your mouth, nerd!!!!" Yosuke scoffed, "Wouldn't you enjoy it, though?" he stared directly into his SOUL. Yu became :flushed: he backed up a bit,, "I mean..." he started stuttering, "Shut up, you,, yo-you, YOU BOTTOM." He barked, waving his knife at Yosuke.. Yosuke just smirked, he began seductively crawling towards Yu, but came to an abrupt stop as Naoto came running towards them. "Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed, shooting her gun at Yosuke. "I must.." she panted, "Eliminate ALL gays... Even if they are my friends.." Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she kept shooting at him. Yosuke screamed bloody murder and fucking RAN like a little bitch boy.

                                                                 [Insert Mr. Blue Sky by the Beatles here]

The World Beyond.... A Yosuke Hanamura x Seth fanfic... By: Me....Where stories live. Discover now