Part II

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              After a few hours of running, Yosuke found himself becoming dizzy, his vision became blurry. He slowly fell to the ground as his vision turned dark.

                Yosuke slowly opened his eyes. It was still dark, the air felt heavier. He rubbed his head as he slowly got up. "Where..... Am I?" He looked around at the strange world. The moon was big in this world, it was high up in the sky, almost framed by the stars. As Yosuke looked around, he found himself looking at someone's feet, Wow gay AND a foot fetish.. Tch- he slowly looked up at the dark figure. He was lanky and petite. Yosuke stared at him. The teen just scoffed at him, "Can I help you?" He said in an annoyed tone. Yosuke just blushed, "Uhm.." He looked at his surroundings once again, "Where.. Am I?" Seth just smirked, "You're not from around here, are you?" He leaned in towards Yosuke, too close for comfort. Yosuke tried to avoid eye contact by looked towards his left, but Seth just followed. "Uhm no... I was just at Yasogami High, do you know where that is?" He muttered. Seth spat on him, "What're you, delusional?" he stood up straight and waved his arms. "We're in Kanzaka." Yosuke looked around, 'This isn't Inaba...' he thought. Seth bent over and shoved his face in front of Yosuke's "What's up with that stupid face you're making?" he stood up normally again, and crossed his arms. "I recommend you get lost." Yosuke bit his lip, "I'm already lost." Seth cocked his head to the side like a confused dog. "I'm lost in your eyes.." 


         Seth's eyes widened, he had never been complimented like that before... He just shoved his :flustered: face into his jacket. Yosuke shoved him to the ground, Seth yelped. "Hey there bud," but before he could finish, Yosuke planted his lips onto Seth's.They both fell into the kiss, their tongues fighting for dominance. Seth won the fight. He ended up taking control, pushing Yosuke to the ground. "W-what was that for!?" Seth barked. Yosuke just smirked. "I get horny when I'm scared." :smirk: Seth just smirked (real) "Free head?!? Shiiiiit, I'll take it.. :smirk:"

                            Minecraft skeleton noises could be heard in the distance. 

The World Beyond.... A Yosuke Hanamura x Seth fanfic... By: Me....Where stories live. Discover now