Chapter 1

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Well I was planning that this one should be a izuku x nejire fanfic but I have already written 2 fanfic si this one will be izumomo don't very izuku x nejire shippers your ship fanfic will come soon. Till then enjoy this

After school finished :

No one pov.

Whole class 1A came back from school and they all noticed a big tv in their living room they all wondered why it's here.

"Woah looks like school has given us a new tv"kaminari says

"But why? I wonder , our old tv is in perfect condition. So why they send us a new tv"momo says

"But it's so big it's almost four time bigger than our old tv"kirishima says

"Whatever , let's turn it on"kaminari says

"Don't touch it"aizawa suddenly came out of no where

"Woah , why?"kaminari asks

"Yeah sensei why this tv in our dorm"mina asks

"It's for you guys "aizawa says

"Why?"jirou ask

"It's not an ordinary tv , this tv shows future"aizawa says

"WHAT?????"whole class says

"Yeah now you have 5 minutes get changed and come back here until then I will start this"aizawa says

Whole class runs like their life depended on it even Bakugou or todoroki because they also want to know that 'did they become no.1 or not'

Whole class came back in 4 minutes and they all sat wherever they gets place.midoriya was sitting in a corner.

"Ok are you all ready?"aizawa asks

"Yes"they all says excitedly

"Fine so I am starting this it will start from Midoriya and later it will shift to other guys and how I choose Midoriya? well I used lucky draw and no questions"aizawa says as all class looks at Midoriya for few seconds then at tv


No one pov.

It was a beautiful morning and now we are at the house of the midoriyas. We can see a man with green hairs and eyes like emeralds is sleeping on a king size bed alone as he wakes up from sunlight and starts cursing Sun

"Ugh this sunlight!!! Why there's a window in our bedroom?what is the use of it? Izuku thoughts in his mind

"That was such a strange dream not a dream more like flashbacks. Flashback of when I defeated shigaraki , flashback of marriage of todoroki and itsuka come to think of it when they both started dating?


"Whaat??????"whole class yelled as aizawa paused the tv

"Woah todoroki I don't kniw that you and itsuka have such relationship"mina says

"Even I don't know"todoroki says

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