Chapter 2

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No one pov.

After that momo takes remote in his hands to skip any part which can affect her privacy

"Yaomomo it's not fair"mina says

"Invading someone's privacy is also not fair"momo says


After their makeout session:

"Momo you can go sleep and I will cook food for you"izuku says

"Ok but you have to carry me to the living room"momo says like a child

"Kiss first"izuku says

"Ok"momo says as she gave him a quick kiss"now carry me"

Izuku carry her bridal style and starts walking towards living but momo thinks to tease izuku as she put the collar of her t shirt down showing her breast as izuku stopped when he noticed

"What happen my little izu~ why did you stopped by a woman breasts"momo says teasing izuku

"You will regret showing me those boobs"izuku says

As izuku starts kissing all over her neck her face and her breasts making momo moan

"Yes baby (moan) yes(moan) mark this rich (moan) girl with your love.


"Hey yaomomo I want to see that part why did you did skipped it"mina asks

"That's a private part only me and izuku can see if you want to see that badly then don't only see but do it with your husband kirishima"momo says making mina (for first time) and kirishima blush

"But man Midoriya when did you learn to make move like that"kaminari says

"I don't know"izuku says while blushing


"Izu you have to control yourself"momo says

"Oh you are the one who tried to tease me"izuku says as he kissed her one more time

Momo only hides her face in izuku's chest from izuku perspective he thought that he is carrying a shy cat

"Momo why are you so adorable"izuku asks

Momo didn't say anything but blushed on the question

"You're saying that only because you love me"momo says

"Well atleast you know that I love you , you also love me right?" Izuku asks

"Yes "momo said excitedly with a big smile

Izuku carries her to living room and put her on couch"well if you love me then you will do anything for me"izuku says as momo sensed what he was planning

"That's same for you dear so I am requesting you to control your hormonal urges for today"momo says as izuku sighs in defeat

"Well then I can't do anything"izuku says while faking sobing noises

"Aww don't feel bad dear you know if you will clean kitchen and cook a delicious katsudon for me I will eat breakfast with you topless and you can eat on my body"momo offers izuku as he starts imagining

"Topless"he says while drooling

"Yes dear these breasts that you love so much"momo says

"You have a deal momo Midoriya"izuku says as he sat besides momo

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