Chapter 4

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Dear Diary,

The storm is terrible! It's only 2:34 in the afternoon but it looks like midnight, it's so black and the wind is so loud, my phone is about to die because I didn't bring it to work to charge, so I won't know what time it is...which scares me a lot! Well my book is about to die from all the water.

I'll talk to you tomorrow,

Angelica xox

PS: hopefully :/



"Zayn what the hell are you on about!?" Harry shouts at me, "It's her! The girl who sings in the forest! She was at Starbucks!" I say flinging my hands up, "Who Sarah?" he asks and I groan, "No! The one who gave us our drinks! I don't know her name!" I shout flopping down on the couch, then an idea popped into my head, "Hey guys, what do you think about camping?" I ask, "Zaynie, are you on your period?"Louis asks, "What? Huh?" I ask, "You're having mood swings love" he says sitting down next to me and talking like I was a baby, "Oh bite me" I say rolling my eyes, "That's what Zayn wants Forest Girl to do" Harry snickers and I smack him on the back of the head, "But what do you guys think? Niall, Liam?" I ask hopefully, "Dude, do you see how bad the weather is?" Liam asks motioning, "Ohmygod! You're right! She could get hurt!" I shout jumping up and putting my jacket on, "Hold on mate, you can't go out there" Niall says, "Why not?" I ask looking from him to the door and back again, "Because-" Louis cuts him off with an answer that made me want to rip his head off, "Because If you go out into the forest with this weather, you'll die and then you won't be able to save Forest Girl, and then you won't be able to get married and have little Zaynie's and little Forest Girls" he says smiling like an idiot, I growl and he shrinks back, "Harry, control your boyfriend" I say shrugging my jacket off and walking into my room, slamming the door, don't they know she's special to me? I need to let this out, I grab a book and pen before laying down on my bed,


Dear Diary,

Forest Girl...she's the only thing I think about, I can't get her out of my mind. Her chocolate brown hair and her memorizing green eyes...she dresses so casually yet so beautifully, today she wore black skinny jeans and a brown top with black heels and a grey beanie...she wears that a lot actually, the beanie, I mean. I remember the first time I saw her...I was really bored in the flat so I went for a walk in the forest down the road, it was calming, when I heard singing...I hid behind a tree and looked upwards where I heard the voice...she was sitting there, looking through the window of the tree house. I remember she was singing 'Just Give Me A Reason' by P!nk and it was getting onto the boy part...I-I couldn't help myself I started singing along and we finished the song together. She climbed down and started looking around, behind bushes and trees...I couldn't let her see me, so I started running till I got back to the flat. This was about 2 months ago and I haven't been able to get her out of my mind since. So when we saw her today I was...excited! I wasn't totally sure if it was her until I saw her shoes...they had grass and mud around the bottom of them, showing she had been in the forest and when I saw her eyes...I didn't want to look away. She was-no IS so bea-Oh Harry wants me...I'll write again soon...probably about her, when I write again I will have her name.


DJ Malik ;)


"Zayn? Liam wants to talk to you" Harry says through the door, "Right, er coming" I say shoving the book under my need to tell them I have a diary. I hop up and walk out to see Liam and Lou on the couch and Niall eating in the kitchen, "Niall go eat your own food" I say and he smiles a cheeky smile, "Zayn? IM SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT! I WAS BEING STUPID!" Louis shouts jumping up and giving me a bone-crushing hug, "Lou its ok, I'm sorry as well, I shouldn't have snapped" I say hugging him back, "I forgive you! Liam has some exciting news!" he shouts dragging me to the couch, "Danielle's pregnant!" I shout and his eyes go wide, "What!? No! Zayn you scared me!" he shouts smacking my head, "Ow! Sorry!" I say dramatically, he cracks a smile before saying the best thing in the world, "I called management...and provided Paul stays with us...We can go 'camping', as soon as the weather clears up" "LIAM JAMES PAYNE I LOVE YOU MORE THAN DANIELLE RIGHT NOW!!" I shout giving him a hug and tackling him, "Not possible" a female voice says an I look up to see Dani smirking, "Sorry Dani, he's mine" i say kissing Liam's cheek causing as all to laugh

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