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A joyful moment, Y/n and Peter were playing hide and seek together. Their parents were talking together, not so happy with the current conversation. Wait until they know the truth. Poor kids. A warm Sunday morning that was about to turn into a disaster.

y/n and Peter were both oblivious to what the topic of their parents' conversation was. They are talking about moving. No, before you ask. y/n is not moving anywhere. Peter is.

In their game of hiding and seek, y/n was it. The sad truth was that Peter knew he would leave but didn't bother telling y/n. He didn't have the strength to see his best friend cry. Peter already has packed his stuff. And so, he left her.

She looked and looked for her dearest best friend. Her small quivering voice echoed in the abandoned warehouse.

"Where are you, Petey..."

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