A New Life Ahead

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-6 years later-

Hello Queens, the best place mom could afford.

Hello, high school, the worst time of my life. Mmm atleast I'm going to my dream school, Midtown!

The students don't even bother learning. They just want to smoke and hook up all the time. Sometimes I question how they even got to high school. Mm, probably by their dad's money.

Walking... walking... walking... ugh, when does this road end? I wish mom let me buy a car or something. I wouldn't have to walk this long. I'll just look on the bright side. It's the school I ever wanted! Ah... Midtown High... what a beauty Ahah.

---School Entrance---

Hah... finally arrived. Let's see what this school offers.
I smile at the sight of my new school.

I walk in the entrance and hear this out... I have a power, a power to be... invisible. No, I'm just kidding, but I love that no one notices me. I don't have to deal with drama. New school, new experiences. I hope it doesn't end up like middle school. That was hell on earth.


"fat, ugly, a nerd. Ohohoh a complete set of tier L-O-S-E-R" Liz spat. "I didn't even do anything and you just walk over me, either you're obsessed with me or you're just next level blind" I said to her with a chuckle. Her face was hilariously red, and I could see her friends holding their laughs as well. I feel bad for them. Liz definitely pays them. Well, not my concern.

(end of flashback)

---End of 1st Period ; Start of Lunch---

"So that's why you should always wear condoms kids" our bio teacher says at the last minute of dismissal. The class was weird, warning to wear condoms on the first day? Okay.

Hmm, I don't want to socialize much. I'll just sit at the corner.

I sat down, and a group of people are approaching me, oh god oh god oh god-

"Hi!" the big one of the three started. "Yeah... hi" I stated awkwardly. "Can we join you?" the girl of the group says. "Uh yeah sure." I scoot over, so they can sit next to me

Strangers asking to sit with you at lunch on the first day? Great job on trying to be invisible y/n. Hopefully, they don't have any drama... there's another boy with them, but I haven't seen his face, probably an introvert. Don't blame him.

"Soooo what's your name gorgeous?"
"um, it's y/n."
"ooh pretty name."
"I guess"
"The name's Ned."
"cool" I smile faintly.

"See guys? she likes me." Ned smiles in victory while I just chuckle. The girl beside him hits his shoulder "Smooth one dufus" she turned to look at me. "Hi y/n, I'm Michelle, but everyone calls me MJ", MJ said. She's beautiful. I love her energy. "Hi MJ, I'm y/n." I said, smiling, actually liking these people.

~a few minutes of silence pass~

"Okay this is weird, Pete is not usually this quiet sorry y/n", MJ says. She then elbowed him to introduce himself. Pete? is his name Peter? kinda reminded me of Parker. I miss the kid, wonder where he is now.

"U-uh, hi y/n, I'm Peter", he said, keeping his hood down. So his name really is peter huh, a lotta peters on this earth. "Hi there Petey, I'm y/n." I used my old nickname for Parker as a light joke. But I think he didn't take it too well. He tensed up. "Whoa hey sorry, I was making a joke, sorry if you feel uncomfy." sheesh, good job y/n, your new friend is weirded out. "N.. no, it's fine y/n." Peter said.

"OOOOKKAAYYYY, now that's settled. Why don't we go to class hm? alrighty, y/n give me your schedule." MJ said. "Aight." I give her my schedule. "NICCEEE you have all the same classes as me", MJ high-fived me. "Coolio", I said while laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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