Chapter 2

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Kian was checking his email just a few days later when he found an important-looking message. He opened it. It was from a board member from Holby. They we're horribly short-handed with doctors and needed him back. His position would be available immediately. Kian started composing a reply but hesitated. This was an important decision, and he wanted to discuss it with Haley.

They talked it over during dinner that night. Haley was happy for Kian.
"It's not like we're going to have to move or anything. You're a surgeon and an essential worker who's needed; going back is most likely the best decision." She told him, holding his hand.

The next week, Kian cleaned off his desk and got prepared to transfer back to Holby. He felt anxious, remembering the pain of losing Bea. He thought about some of the friends he had made while working there. It would be rough, but he was needed back.
His first day back felt kind of surreal. Kian was kind of happy that it was in his old office. No surgeries that day, but he would be meeting with patients and going over paperwork. Part of him was hoping to see some of the people he had met while working at Holby. His younger cousin Marty was the first person he ran into.

"My parents keep wondering when we can have dinner together again. Mum really likes  Haley; she wants to start trusting her with some family recipes."

"When it's safe to visit, hopefully." Kian answered.

He took a lift to the Darwin ward, trying to push away the bad memories of losing Bea. It wasn't long before he saw another familiar face.

"Hey! Kian!" A young junior doctor called out.

"Hi, Nicky." Kian said hugging her.

"How's you're girlfriend? Last time I saw you was when she was in the emergency department." Nicky inquired.

"She's my fiancé now. If I ever bring food in, chances are that she made it." Kian said, smiling.

"Oooh! Congratulations! They say soulmates come in all types, I guess you found yours."  Nicky gushed, giving Kian another hug.

"So, how's the rest of the staff?" Kian asked.

"Fletch I think misses you, and Sacha is hanging in there after Essie died." Nicky informed him.

"That's too bad. Look, I really hope that we all can get together sometime soon; I want Haley to meet all of you." Kian said.

He wasn't prepared to meet the next person he met. Though their last meeting was happy, they never thought they would be working together again. He was looking over some papers in his office when she walked in.

"Hello, Madani."  The woman said frostily.

"Hello, Jac."

To Be A Family: A Holby City Fan Fiction (Complete)  (Kian & OC  #2)Where stories live. Discover now