finding the witch

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A/N: don't forget to vote <3

Present Day

it had been about an hour of walking around Mystic Falls asking any vampire i could find if they knew a witch. most of them said no, however two out of the 15 said yes.
someone who went by the name of Kai.
i'd never heard of him before, and whenever someone said his name they said it rather reluctantly which confused me a great deal.
i asked the two vampires how to contact him but neither of them knew , they just shrugged and dashed away from me as quick as possible. i decided to give up for the day but keep Kai's name firm in my memory, i needed to find out more about him and how he could help me.

i walked back through the door of the Salvatore house and saw Damon & Elena hugging and kissing on the sofa.
"ugh" i fake gagged as i walked past them, Elena was clearly embarrassed that i had caught them but Damon thought nothing of it, he called after me.
"Ay Q, any luck?" he asked me.
"huh? oh i'll explain tomorrow, i'm tired. enjoy love birds" i laughed and winked at the two of them, i jogged up the stairs and flopped on my back on my bed, my eyes slowly closing as i drifted off into a deep sleep.

"Do it Quinn, follow your heart. trust yourself, you can do it, you can find me." it happened again, Katherines voice echoing around my sleeping brain, convincing me to keep trying, trying to find my source of happiness, the one thing stopping me from staking myself right now. Her.

i jolted awake, panting as i sat up. i blinked slowly, tipping my head back then lowering myself back down onto the mattress.
tomorrow is the day i'm going to find this mysterious Kai and Damon is going to help me.

the next day

"G'morninggggg" Damon kicked my door open as he walked into my room, clearly looking forward to me telling him about what i found yesterday, he sat himself down on the foot of my bed as i rubbed my sleepy eyes and groaned pushing myself up the bed to face him.
"Well, i think i've found a witch, not found as such i have no clue how to contact him but two vampires mentioned his name and i got another vision last night, of Katherine, she told me to follow my heart and don't give up with trying to find a way to help her." i smiled at him rather pleased that i was getting somewhere with this wild goose chase.
"And this witches name?" Damon gave me a stern look.
"i've never heard of him before, so i'm not sure if you would've, his names Kai, i didn't get much information on him but we can dig for some" Damon's eyebrows raised and he blinked quickly.
"Um Q, you realise that's Malachai Parker you're talking about."
"Oh my god." my eyes widened but that was all i managed to say, no wonder i didn't know who 'Kai' was, i'd only ever heard him be called Malachai. i should've figured it out really...
"well uh, okay. we need to figure out a way to contact him & he can help us find Katherine." i just brushed it off and shook my head, not bothered who the witch was, just how to find him.

Damon sighed, he didn't look too happy about me not caring who Kai was.
"No Quinn! Malachai Parker! do you not know anything about what he's done? he won't help you! you'll lose everything!" Damon screamed at me and i gave him a blank stare.
"no kidding Q, i'll vervain you, tie you up, burn you in the sun, lock you in the cellar whatever it takes for you to get this stupid idea out of your head!" i knew he was right but i also couldn't care less, i had to know what happened to Katherine and what these dreams were about, i longed to be beside her again.
i let out a slight laugh and sighed.

"i just don't care anymore, i could try and convince you that it'll all be fine, intimate you even, if you didn't want to listen but what's the point, right? some people have a bad day, i've had a bad life. threats only work on someone who has something to lose, but me? i've already lost it all. this is the one thing i've ever hoped for in this awful existence, my bestfriend being back by my side, so, if i want something, i'll take it." i let out a breath
"are you going to help me or not, Damon?"
he didn't look at me, just peered out of the window.
"i think i have my answer then." i rolled my eyes and stormed out of the room and down the stairs, bursting through the front door and past Stefan & Caroline who were about to knock, they looked rather shocked to see me running out of the house in my pyjamas but headed in nonetheless.

i began to run off into the woods, i needed time and space to think about all of this and what i could be getting myself into to find someone who left me all those years ago, but she obviously cared and seriously needed me otherwise she wouldn't be sending me strange visions. i probably seemed over dramatic running of like that, but, my new mentality is 'who cares' everyone looks out for themselves and what we want in this town, there's no reason why i shouldn't do the same.
Yes, i knew that Damon was trying to help me, which i'm thankful for, as no ones ever shown me that care before... i sat down on a log in the woods with my head in my hands, Damon, actually no one, had seen that side of me before, i should be embarrassed but maybe this will help gain his approval again.

A/N: 1000 words! wow, i think this could be the most i've written :) i know i say it everytime, but i really do hope you enjoy this story, i defo enjoy writing it ♥️

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