Chapter 13

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I'm sorry I'm so late. Again... but my anxiety is getting worse. Its like my depression disappeared and all that's left is anxiety. Anyway sorry for that. ON WITH THE CHAPTER!!!

Tubbo stared at Nightmare in shock. Brother? What the hell? Dream was his brother...right? If he was Dreams brother than he was Nightmares  brother too. Yet deep down he knew he wasn't. Tubbo thought about his first memory with Dream


Tubbo giggled as he ran away from a blonde boy with a red and white shirt. The boy was a little younger than him but somehow managed to be a little taller. The 3 year olds were currently running around Tommy's backyard. Playing tag as Techno and Wilbur were playing chess with Philza watching all of them. This was a common occurrence  at the Minecraft household. (yes. their surnames are Minecraft) Schlatt normally  left Tubbo with his old friend Phil when he had to go do...whatever it was he did. 

Tubbo laughed as Tommy finally tackled him to the mud. Just as Tubbo was about to get up and chase after the blonde when he heard a knock on the door. Phil looked up at Tommy and Tubbo before going to open the door for the other father. He disappeared into the house. He was gone for a few minutes but when he came back Schlatt wasn't there. 

It was a boy . He looked around the same age as Wilbur or Techno. Phil was looking at the boy worried. The boy himself wasn't moving. He was staring at the floor seemly trying to hide behind Phil with one of his hands clutching on tightly to Phil's coat. Wilbur was now standing in front of Tommy defensively  and Techno was in front of Tubbo. Tubbo also noticed the weird white mask on his face.

The thing was that Wilbur looked angry. 

"What's he doing here?!" he screamed angrily. 

The boy looked up from the floor in shock and looked straight at Wilbur. He took a step back and looked like he wanted to run away. He almost turned but Phil put a firm hand on his shoulder. The boy froze yet again and then made no movement again. 

Phil frowned at Wilbur and Techno. But Tubbo was confused. Why was Wilbur so angry? 

Wilbur POV


Why was this sick bastard here?! Ever since he bumped into him a few months ago he couldn't forgot him. He was on his way to give Nikki a flower crown that he finally managed to make. He was walking through the forest to get to her house when something ran into him. It was the boy. Before he could process what happened the boy already ran away. And the flower crown was broken. Ever since then the 13 year old (idk if my math is right...(* ̄0 ̄)ノ) swore revenge.

Now here he was right in front of him. The boy looked confused. Probably faking it too. 

"Guys...this Cla-" 

"Dream. My name is Dream." The boy is quiet. He doesn't sound very confident but is still determined to get his point across.

"Ok" Phil says softly. "Guys. This is Dream. He will be staying with Schlatt and Tubbo for a while. Now why don't you introduce yourselves and then you can go play again? Ok? Now I have to go for a while." Philza locked eyes with Wilbur. "Stay here." 

Once Phil was inside the house Wilbur shivered. He can be scary when he wants to be. Tommy and Tubbo immediately went to inspect and probably ask to many question to Dream. What the brown haired boy didn't expect was Techno to be the one to also go say hi first. 

Being the immature youngster that he was, Wilbur turned his back  to them and went to replace all the chess pieces. Eventually Techno came back and left Dream in the hands of the two three year olds with a slight blush.  Wilbur raised his eyebrow but chose not to comment. 

After a few minutes he felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned to see a Dream a few feet from him. He groaned in annoyance. What did he want now? Dream was holding a flower crown. He looked like he just made it but the detail was so intricate. It was so much better than Wilbur's one. He looked next to the green boy and next to them and noticed that Tommy and Tubbo had their own as well. Wilbur was 100% sure Tommy was going to break it very soon. 

Wilbur hesitantly accepted the peace offering and then Dream turned to Techno handed him one with dark red roses. The hybrid took it with his face down and a quiet "Thank you". Wilbur looked towards the end of the yard but he noticed the flower patch had no missing flowers. Dream noticed his confusion.

"I-I'm an enderman h-hybrid"

He looked up in shock.

"That's why I wear the mask..." 


End Flashback

Tubbo POV 


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