Chapter 9: Touch

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You eventually landed on a large green grassy hill scattered with flowers after many tiring hours of flying around, which was a relief. From up high you could easily see where every mutes' territories started and ended. It was interesting but also terrifying from that high up.

You tie the dragonfly to a nearby tree and hang your bag up on a branch. You turn around to find Jamack sitting in the middle of the grass and flowers of the hill, he seemed better than he was this morning.

You walk over to him and try to think of what you're going to say. Starting conversations wasn't your forte.

"Hey," You awkwardly blurt out as you stand behind him. Your hands are fidgeting with the edge of your grey jacket. 

He looks up at you from his spot on the hill, "Hi."

There's a silence between the two of you, a normal thing to happen when you were both unsure of what to say. You take a seat next to him and lie down in the bed of tall blades of grass and soft flowers. Neither of you says anything.

Jamack joins you by lying down in the grass and looks up at the barely starry night. His hands start tugging and retying his short tie and adjusting his collar. He was uncomfortable yet nervous. 

"...Are you okay?" You half-mumble. 

"Hm?" Jamack glances over at you, he knew what you were talking about but he didn't know any other way to respond.

"It's just... You were acting kinda... weird this morning? Are you angry with me? What's wrong?" You look down at your feet. You're afraid of what he was going to say.

He took a moment to come up with what he was going to say, but he didn't know what to say.

"I'm not angry with you. If anything I'm angry with myself. I don't know... It's just strange. I grew up believing so many things as a mod frog and now it seems as if they're all topsie turvie," He attempts to explain. 

"You're just so different," He adds in a hushed voice. He wasn't often open with people but you seemed easy to talk to, at least at this moment.

You glance over at him. You were both looking at each other now. Jamack's face was close to yours. His eyes wide, his cheeks a slight red, his lips-

You both look away, slightly flustered, slightly embarrassed. The sky was becoming clouded and dark now. 

Jamack gazes up at the sky. He was quiet, unsure what to do until your hand slipped into his.

It was a strange warm feeling, like when you wrapped your arms around him on the dragonfly. It felt like a small hot fire was lit in the middle of his cool hand and burnt out leaving tingles all over his fingers and echoed over his whole body. He never felt this before. How dare you try to make a move on him. Your hand was small and soft next to his green smooth hand. You shuffled closer to him as he could feel his face heat up and his heart quicken. He liked this feeling.

Jamack's hand was cold against yours. You weren't surprised by this but it was still colder than you expected. His palms were a lighter shade of green than the rest of his hand but his fingers interlocked perfectly into yours. It made you feel calm and safe holding his hand like he was never going to let you go.

"I understand that everything is weird for you now that your alone out here, I've felt that too. But we're a team now. We need to help each other," You whisper to him. Your voice was a soft rain that washed over him like a wave of relief. You were a team. You protect each other.

Your small gesture of interlocking hands placed a smile on his face. You trusted him. 

Jamack shuffles closer to you and you both gaze up at the silver speckled sky as the faint feeling of grass blades close in around you. Everything was at peace. You smile.

The feeling of Jamack's cold hand touching yours relaxed you as you dozed off to sleep amongst the weeds and flowers.

(A/N: sorry for the short chapter! I'll try writing a longer one next time.)

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