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I fluttered my eyes open and realized that I was in my room. I dont remember where I fell asleep last night but I guessed that someone put me in bed.

I realized that I was in someone's arms. I looked up and realized it was Tommy. I blushed really hard and I covered my face using Tubbee, my bee, without making too much movement to not wake up Tommy but it didnt matter because he woke up.

"Good morning Y/N." He greeted.

"G-Good Morning Tommy." I whispered.

"How was your sleep?" He asked.

"Good." I replied. "You?"

"Great." He smiled.

I sat up and got off the bed. I stretched and tried my best to hide my face which is bright red. Tommy just sat down and it was really quiet. The quiet was the awkward kind of quiet.

"Tommy?" I spoke breaking the silence.

"Hmm?" He looked up at me.

"D..Did we finish the movie?" I asked looking back at him.

I saw his face blush immediately, I didnt know why but I didnt mind it that much.

"We didnt." He replied, "I turned the tv off around the part where they were at the ship."

"Ahh, I see." I nodded. "What time is it?"

He took his phone and looked at the time.

"Its 9 am." He replied placing his phone down. "Wanna have breakfast?"

"Uhh yeah!" I answered.

He got off of bed and started making it. I told him he didnt have to but he insisted. I got downstairs first and I got greeted by my mom who was cooking breakfast.

"Hello honey!" She greeted.

"Hi mom." I replied and I sat down at the dining table.

"How was your sleep? And your day with your friends yesterday?"

"It.. went well." I replied with a nervous tone.

"No need to be nervous hun." She assured me.

"What?" I looked up at her confused.

"I know you and Tommy cuddled to sleep." She said calmly.

I blushed really hard and I just covered my face out of embarrassed.

"How did you know?" I groaned.

"I was wondering where Tommy was because he wasnt on his room." She replied then she walked up to the dining table with breakfast. "So, I checked your room and saw that you guys were cuddling."

I groaned and rested my head on the table.

"Look honey, I know you both like each other." She said trying to make me feel better. "Both of you are just denying it or you need to reize it yourselves."

I stayed quiet and stayed on where I was.

"Good morning Tommy!" My mom greeted Tommy as I heard his footsteps on the stairs.

I didnt give any reaction and just stayed quiet. Tommy sat infront of me and my mom gave him his own plate.

"Thank you Mrs. L/N" Tommy thanked her with that cheerful tone of his.

"No problem Tommy." She replied then she went to the kitchen again.

Me and Tommy sat in front of each other. He was eating and I had my head down.

"Are you alright?" Tommy asked concerned.

"Yeah." I replied. I wasnt okay, I needed to hide my bright red face.

"Well you better eat or Ill eat it." Tommy jokingly answered.

I looked up at him and glared straight at his eyes. He just shrugged and continued eating.

I sat down, tried to keep my cool and tried to brush off any feeling of the butterflies in my stomach. I tried but everytime I would remember how Tommy looked when he was cuddling with me always got me to feel the same feeling and whats bad was he was right infront of me. Thankfully, I got to eat breakfast, normally.

After breakfast, Tommy went to the bathroom to take a bath while I went up to my bedroom's small balcony and tried to calm myself down. I grabbed my phone and decided to call Ranboo. It took him a few dials to answer, apparently he was streaming with Tubbo but I didnt know.

"Hello?" Ranboo answered.

"H..Hey" I replied as I sat down on the balcony floor with my legs up to my chest.

"Wait whats wrong?" Ranboo asked me with concern with his voice.

"Well, I need to talk to you." I said timidly.

"About what? What happened?" He asked then I heard him stand up.

"Are you available?" I asked. "Can we meet up for a while?"

"Yeah, I can come over right now."

"Okay, Ill see you."

"Alright." He hung up.

I waited for him in my balcony and just stared to nothingness.

He knocked at my door and I told him to come in.

"Hey!" Ranboo greeted then proceeded to close my door.

"Hey." I greeted him as he approached me.

He sat down in front of me and he asked what was wrong. I explained what happened last night and my conversation with my mom that morning. I wouldve thought he would laugh, but instead, he just listened.

"Come on, stand up." Ranboo stood up and offered his hand to me.

I took his and I stood up. He hugged me immediately when I got on my feet.

"There." He said letting go of me. "Just thought you would need it."

"Thanks." I replied. "I guess."

He continued to talk to me about what I was feeling.

"Look, Y/N, Im not an expert, but Im trying my best to help you. Answer me honestly. Do you like Tommy?"

It took me a while to answer. I really had to think about it. Do I really like him? Is what my mom said true? That we are just denying it? I didnt want to get my hopes up that he likes me too. I didnt want it to happen again.

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