3-The girl (2)

553 47 81

Hoseok p.o.v

I wiped the sweat dripping down my forehead as I panted, I never notice how many hours I keep on working in the fields, the crops are way more flourish and vibrant than anytime before and it's making my heart swell with pride.

I put my hand to the soil and closed my eyes, when I opened them I knew they were shining in orange color, patterns started spreading under the  the soil and the plants absorbed the light.

I smiled at the beautiful sight and stretched my limbs tiredly.
"Damn how long have I been in the field?",
"Two hours, thirty four minutes and twenty one seconds".
I jumped back screeching at the sound, in front of me stood the most beautiful girl I've ever seen before, her hair, eyes, nose and lips, everything was perfect.

She stared at me with a strange look in her eyes, I felt my cheeks blushing as her eyes wondered down my body, her cheeks dusted with pink color all of a sudden and I titled my head in confusion.

"She likes your veiny arms",
I turned my head to the side to see a tall man standing not far from the girl, his dimples were nice but his aura screamed strength and confidence.

A huge splash of water flew and hit the girl's head making her yelp in surprise,
The fuck??
"Stop drooling and go pick your crush up we need to get the rest",
A soft voice caught my attention as a short boy stood with his hand stretched in front of him.

Who are these people?
I stood up and was about to talk but the girl's eyes flashed in silver and I recognized those eyes immediately..

"You have a death wish Park??", she said with gritting teeth,
"Come at it baby",
The boy took a defending pose and a ball of water formed between his palms...
Hold on...

"That's enough!!!!",
The dimples guy roared and they stopped and turned back to me,
"Your hands...emitted water..",
"Yes buddy, just like how your hands emitted light a few minutes ago".

I didn't answer and just stood there not knowing what to do, the girl sighed and walked toward me, for some reason I felt my body heating up when I met her gaze,
"Come on hottie, we need to talk".


A/N p.o.v

The four of them headed out of the farms where Hoseok works, four more benders to go and Army told them the four benders are luckily in one place.

The emperor's castle.

Their journey was a tiring one considering the castle was on top of the mountain but they made it, they were finally standing in front of the castle's gates waiting for permission to enter.

A girl with short black hair and pale skin walked toward them, her red orbs and pale skin showed that she was a vampire,
"How may I help you?",
Army cleared her throat and talked,
"We want to meet the emperor for urgent reasons".

The vampire looked Army up and down,
"I'm his personal adviser, and I think I should know what are these urgent reasons".

Hoseok saw Army's hand forming fists, he nudged Namjoon to talk and took hold of her small fists dragging her back toward him, she turned to look at him and her face blushed, he didn't know whether it was anger or embarrassment but she looked cute.

"We have some news we would like to inform his majesty of and we aren't sure it would be safe to mention those news here",
The vampire stared at him for a good minute but he kept his face straight and determined, she nodded,"Very well...follow me" .

The four of them followed  her inside the castle grounds, it was huge and they were astonished at how the castle was dark and intimidating, almost all the windows were closed and the castle was dead silent.

"You shall stay here, I'm going to inform his majesty of your presence",
She walked off elegantly holding the tail of her black hanbok,
"i'M gOInG tO inForM hIS maJesty blablablabla.....bitch".
Jimin and Hoseok laughed at Army's mocking voice and Namjoon shock his head with a dimpled smile.

"Anyways, now we are going to split off, Namjoon, you go find the air bender, Hoseok search for the shadow and earth benders with me, they should be together at the battle fields".

Jimin looked between them with a pout, "Hey!! What about me??",
Army turned to him and smiled mischievously,
"You go for the emperor honey",
He stared at her and gulped,
"Wh-why me?",
"Because you are water, I think you can get along pretty well with fire",

Her widening smirk didn't help at all.


Next chap would be Namjin and Taekook😉

I want to make Army punch that vampire girl at some point, what do u think? 😂😂

Luv u 💜🐥✨

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