Two: Grease 1 and 2

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" I made a friend. "

Dr. Raynor doesn't look up from her notebook but the slightly surprised raise of her eyebrow doesn't get lost on Bucky.

" Thought you might want to know. "

She stops writing for a second and glances up at him, her eyes holding a certain sense of hesitation and reluctance. He can almost see the gears in her head turning. She's trying to get one step ahead of him, figure out what smartass comment he'll throw at her. Only this time there isn't one. This time it's all genuine. It's all true.

" I do. That's — good. Where's the catch? "

" There's no catch. I made a new friend, just like that. And it's not some making amends thing either. "

She closes her notebook, places it on the table to her right, and then folds her hands in her lap the way she does sometimes when Bucky knows he's said something important. He has her entire and undivided attention.

" That's good, James. Tell me more about this friend. "

" Her name is Ellie. She's a waitress and she's really into movies. "

" Oh. "

" Oh? "

" It's a woman. "

" Yeah it's a woman, is that a problem? " Bucky asks. Now it's time for him to raise an eyebrow in question.

" No. It's not. I just didn't expect it. "

" Are you saying men and women can't be friends? That's awfully antiquated thinking, Doc. Have you ever seen when Harry met Sally? "

" I have. Have you?"

Bucky scoffs as if the question is an insult to his intelligence.

" Sure. It's a classic. "

He hits her with a sarcastic grin, the one he knows she hates. The one she knows is fake and fabricated but that allows him to be unreadable to her for just a second.

" Well then. I'm glad you're making friends. It's a big step, James. But I don't want you to get attached to someone because you think that's gonna make you get out of this arrangement any sooner, " she says and motions her finger around the room in a twirling motion. " It's a more permanent situation. I hope you are aware of that."

Eyes averted to the floor, Bucky nods his head in understanding.

" I know. That's not the reason. I — she knows me. Knows about me before all of the bad stuff. In her eyes, I am the man I used to be before Hydra. It's nice to go back to that even if it's not the truth. Ellie gives me a chance to figure out who I am right now without being reminded of all the bad things I did. "

When he looks back up Dr. Reynor regards him with a look he's never seen before. Softer. She even smiles a little bit and he hardly ever sees her smile. Granted, he doesn't make these sessions easy for her so what does he expect really? Her smiling at him feels like he's doing something right.

" She sounds lovely. "

" She talks so much and she sends me weird videos I don't understand. Like, yesterday she sent me one of a kid saying he's 19 and he can't read and — I have no idea what it meant. And she makes fun of me for having a flip phone. But it's not mean-spirited or anything. She doesn't make me feel left out. Doesn't make me feel stupid. "

" Anything else you know about her? "

" Her coffee tastes horrible. "

Dr. Reynor lets out an airy chuckle. " James, I like the fact that you're making friends. We all need friends, especially during times when we feel like we're lost or have no direction in life. And it sounds like this friendship is good for you. "

Love like the movies // Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now