Four: Casablanca

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" You dressed up! "

God damnit. He should've known. He really should've. Sam stands by his side, shit-eating grin splitting his face in two. He should've just worn a plain sweater and no one would've commented on it.

But then would she look at him with that joyful sparkle in her eyes and that gorgeous smile? Maybe the little dressing up that he did do, and all the teasing comments from Sam, are worth it if means she'll look at him like that.

"I didn't dress up." Doesn't mean he has to admit it. No now, not ever.

" Uh, your jeans are cuffed. You've never done that!" Ellie points out to which Sam chimes in with a loud "that's what I said!" words dripping with amusement.

" It's just my jeans, it's not a big deal."

" And you quiffed your hair!"

Bucky glances towards Sam who stands beside him with the biggest smile any person has ever displayed in all the times humans have walked this earth. His joy at Bucky's obvious discomfort knowing no boundaries and, if it weren't at his own expense, Bucky would even find Sam's amusement quite contagious.

" You totally did! He totally did! I didn't even notice. Hi," he says and shakes Ellie's hand " I'm Sam."

" So nice to meet you, Sam. And you dressed up too! As a sexy Ghostbuster!"

Bucky can basically feel Sam's ego inflate at those words and he knows, for a fact, he'll never hear the end of it.

" That's right! I am a sexy Ghostbuster. Not a regular one. That's exactly what I was going for, thank you. Man, I love her already." Sam says, directed at both, Ellie but mostly at Bucky.

" You look lovely too, by the way," Sam points out and for the first time since they arrived, Bucky gives himself a moment to take her in entirely. Not just the little things, the twinkle in her eyes, the warm radiance of her smile. Her. All of her.

The blue and white checkered pinafore dress she's wearing reaches down to her knees, her legs are covered by white knee-high socks and at her feet, a pair of ruby red heels sparkle as the light reflects against them.

She looks beautiful but what really makes Bucky's heart skip just a tiny fraction of a beat is the fact that he knows who she's supposed to be and, whether she did it purposefully or not doesn't matter, he feels included for the first time in so long.

" You're Dorothy." his lips produce words that his brain didn't sign off on. They just slip out. They hold so much weight that even if he'd acted fast enough, he doesn't think he would've been able to hold them back. They're so seemingly insignificant but they hold a meaning that Bucky isn't sure anyone will ever fully comprehend. Steve would've but Steve is — not here.

He hopes Ellie understands even a small fraction of what it means to him. And when she smiles, he thinks she might.

" I am. Do you like it?"

" You look beautiful. " And she does. She really does.

Sam is grinning away like he's just heard the best news and Bucky isn't sure if he prefers this to his outright laughter at his discomfort or not. This smirk seems like some inside joke Bucky doesn't get. Like Sam knows something he doesn't.

" Can I get you guys something to drink? Beers? "

" That would be great " Sam replies.

" Grumpy? "

" Sure."

He can't get drunk, that's one of the little things the Serum changed about him. It's not like he's here to get drunk anyway but to feel the enthusiastic buzz that alcohol can wash through your system, would be nice. He hardly remembers what that felt like.

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