chapter 11 Welcome to White Rose

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As i was sitting in the train looking out side with my fist under my chain. I couldn't help to wonder how the castle and the people there could be like and if ever one there is as nice as every one say they are.

People from White Rose are some of the kindest poeple and it has been said that the are in some way descendents of angels. Almost all of them have long blond hair and blue eyes. And its all so said that there Queen's are super nice and all ways happy. No wonder princess.A is always happy but I know now why.

As were sitting in the train a man walks up to us and said "The one your looking for is closer then you think" before I could ask him what he meant he vanished right there in front of us. It seemed weird at first but after thinking about it I started to think what he said.

"Dude what do you think that mystery man said meant, I mean its a bit strange that a person walks up to us and tells us that and then despair its justnweird" said J

"Its isn't that weird for me. I mean look at yourselves, your a werewolf and she a a witch and I'm some what of a ghost. Things that around 20 years ago to humans we were just fantasy. So too me its not even weird that this would happen to us. So yeah" I explained

"He has a point there J, there are more weirder things that are going to happen too us this is just the begining. And I think we haven't met the one trying to kill the princess yet so we should keep an close eye on every one who's near the princess. An I have a plan on how we're going to do this thing." Said Star in her serious voice

"Wow you're smarter then you look" said J impressed

"When u two are done flirting Star please explain to me you're plan." I said in a jokingly manner. J laughs and doesn't answer, but I could see that he was crushing on Star when he blushed when I said that.

Star turns her head and said "He wishes. And to be honest his not really my type....." We all go quite for a couple of seconds the Star continued talking "Anyways heres the plain. Gray I saw that you were getting close to the princess. I need you to let her invite you to the castle so we can keep an eye out on her and get to know her better."

"Ok but I don't see how that's going to work I suck at getting girls to like me." I relayed will having a lil laught. "And if she does end up liking me it just for a few then I'll get sent to the friend zone just like you just did with J" I continued saying will laughing. J turns and gives me his I'm going to kill you face. We all laugh.

As just as we were going to figure out a way to get me and the princess together so I could he to know her a lil bit more the conductor anounses "Welcome to White Rose every one. We are entering the walls of White Rose now, we will be arriving at the train station shortly. Thank you for traveling with us hope u have a safe trip." He said in a friendly manner. We turn and looked out the window and see how big the wall is. No wonder White Rose is cut off from the other regions. In keeping with there angle roots they'd divided to cut themselves for everyone els course they think the rest of the world is impure. All the regions have there own culture that's different for they others. And White Rose has the most strict and amazing once of all.

We arrived at the train station. We grabbed are bagges and and headed off the train as soon as we got off we were in ahh of the people and the buildings. The buildings designs we all like church designs and the people, everyone that was from the region had wings as white as snow and the flue all over the place. It was just amazing. We looked around for a bit till a man in a black suit walked up to us and said "follow me please" in a well mannered toon. He seemed to be a butler. We followed him to a lemo at the front of the staion. And when we got out side we could see more of the beauty that is White Rose. We get into the Leno and he drives us off.

"Sir can I ask where we're going, ore where you taking us?" Star asked in her sweet girl voice

"Sertanly madem, I'm taking u to the castle so you can stay there wile you protect are princess. I hope the three of you can take care of things." He said in a weld manner way.

"Thank you ser." Said Star kindly. "Your welcome" he replayed. J desideded to take a nap and Star puts on her headphone and grabs a book from her bag and began to read, I just sit there looking out side. As I was found nothing I get a text.

Skye: 'Hey were r u guys? The princess has been asking for u especially. Its getting annoying.

Gray: 'We're on r way'

Skye: 'Hurry she's starting to ask questions.

Gray: 'What kind of questions?'

Skye: 'If u have a gf and how to I know u and such.'

Gray: 'And what did u tell her?'

Skye: 'I told her everything I can't lie.'

Gray: 'Oh yeah well keep her busy will be there'

Skye: 'hurry this is getting on my nerves'

The conversation ended. It weird how a couple of hours ago she didn't want to talk to me and now she's texting me when someone els wants me. After half an hour of driving in the city we start to see the casle. It seems like the castle is in the middle of White Rose, the castle is huge and its would be easy to get lost in it. And the castle in Red Rose is a doll house compere to this one. We reached the gates of the casle, there were guards everywhere its strange to think that the need help from hunters to keep an eye out for the princess if they have a tight security like this one. As the lemo begins to slow down for use to get off at the front door J wakes from his nape and Star after almost half an hour of not saying a word closes her book and takes off her headphones.

"We are here sir's and madem." said the butler

"Thanks for the ride mister.......... A we never got to know you name sir." I said with a laughter smile on my face

"Its Charles. You can call me Charles." He replayed

"We thank you very much Mr.Charles. My name is Gray by the way, that's J.wolf we call him J and Star" I said

"Yes Mr. Gray we know who you all are. Before you all came here we had to do back round checks on all of you. Mr. Gray you are a Shadow and Your parents are both dead. Mr. Wolf you are a Wherewolf and you live with your father who is a ex crimenal is that right. And Mrs. Star you are a spell caster and you father was a wizard your mother was a......" Said the Mr. Charles before he got cut off by Star.

"Ahh yes i know my mom she a spell caster as well" said Star will cutting Charles off.

"Yes as you wish madam" said Charles suspiciously. He conteused "When you get in too the castle there will be service that will take you all to your room and the princess would be delighted to have you all for diner this evening. I hope you'll enjoy your stay at Cloud Tower with is the name of this castle." Said Charles

"Thank you very much Charles you've been a big help to us I hope will see you again very soon" I thanked him nicely.

As we walked in to the castle the service tuck ore bagges and showed us to ore different rooms. After I got settled in I got on my bed that was as soft as a cloud even though I have no idea of how a cloud feels. As I start to fall asleep my mind was focoused on one thing ore more like one person. Skye.

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