Chapter 4

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This is a long chapter sorry!


I wake up in the middle of the night because I had to use the bathroom. I untangle myself from Louis, I guess we both fell asleep last night from watching the movie. I walk out of the bathroom to go to my own bed because I didn't want to disturb Louis in his sleep and also I dont want to take up all the room on his bed. As bad as I want to sleep with him I dont want to wake him. But right before I get ready to lay on my bed I hear Louis speak up, "Harry what are you doing? Come back to bed." He says in a sleepy voice. "I am Lou I'm sleeping in my bed so I don't bother you." And if only I could kiss that pout off his face. "Haz come back to my bed we can fit in it. Or wait I have a better idea, lets push our beds together to make one big one." Thats actually not a bad idea, I think that would be kind of fun. "I actually really like that idea lets do it." We push our beds together and finally get back in bed. I'm kinda glad he had this idea. I do like sleeping next to him but just the single bed wasn't that big for the both of us to move around in our sleep. "Okay now lay back down haz I'm tired and miss my cuddle buddy." Awe how cute is he. "Awe ok Lou I'm coming." I lay down curled up into his side again and he has his arms wrapped around me. Oh how I wish he felt the same way I do. "Hey Louis will you play with my hair until I fall back asleep please?" "Of course haz, you know I love your curls and everything else about you." He says as he squeezes me in a hug. Did he just confess his love to me or am I just tired and over thinking things? What ever it was, it made my heart burst in happiness. "Thanks Lou I love you too." And if only he knew in what way I loved him. 

Louis plays with my hair for a little until eventually I feel his hand stop moving through my curls and his breathing gets slower and I know he is asleep. Louis and I always sleep together when we sleep over at each others houses, so being all cuddled up isn't anything new to us, and quite frankly I think I sleep better when he is the one sleeping next to me. Maybe telling him my feelings won't be as hard as I think it'll be. I just hope he feels the same about me but I still need to think of how I'm going to tell him. Maybe I'll give him hints and see how that works. Maybe I'll confess my feelings for him on my birthday. With those thoughts in my head I end up falling asleep wrapped up in hopefully my future boyfriend.


I wake up to something tickling my nose, I look down and find its Harrys hair that's tickling my nose. I just lay there with him on top of me, I don't want to wake him up yet he looks so peaceful. Before I can stop what I'm doing I lean down and kiss his cheek and move his hair out of his face. Beautiful, I say in my head, but apparently I said it out loud because I can see Harrys cheeks heating up and a small smile on his face. He is so cute when he blushes. "Lou I'm not beautiful stop calling me that." Harry tells me in his morning voice that gets me every time. I could listen to his morning voice on repeat all day long. "Haz what are you talking about, of course you are." He is always putting himself down and I hate it. "Lou no I'm not beautiful,  stop being silly. If I am oh so beautiful to you then why not go out with me." He says with a smile and a nervous laugh. And what did he just say? There is no way he just said that. I'll just play along with it and see where it goes. "Maybe I will haz. I'll ask you right now, Harry would you like to go on a date with me?" I tell him with a laugh at the end. It's suppose to be a joke but with the way he is looking at me and how he stopped breathing for a second makes me think he didn't take it that way. 

"Lou what? Why would you ask that? It's not like you like me, we can't go on a date if you don't like me in that way haha" He says with a nervous laugh. I can tell he is trying to play it cool and try and hide that it's not affecting him. "Haz, babe it was a joke, but we can still go out together and pretend it's a date just for fun yeah?." I say and I don't even realize that I called him babe till I think about what I said, I can feel my cheeks heat up when I realize that but I don't think he heard that part I hope. I look at him and give him a confused face because his smile all of a sudden vanishes and is replaced by a frown. "Oh yeah I knew it was a joke haha. Let me go get ready and then we can head out. You should probably get ready too, unless you plan to go out in the same clothes as yesterday." He tells me with a tiny smile at the end. He gets up and starts walking to get ready when I ask, "Haz are you okay? Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry if I upset you or something I didn't mean too. We don't have to make it a date if you are uncomfortable with it." I get up and walk over two him. "No Lou its okay I'm okay, just me being silly that's all. If you want it to be a date then that is fine but I don't think it's the kind of date you think it's going to be. Now go get ready we have a long day." He smiles at me then hugs me and continues to get ready.

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