Chapter 7

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This is the day before Harrys birthday!



When Harry wakes up in the morning he realizes it's not raining anymore so that means they can finally go to the beach like they have both been dying to do. He rolls over to wake Louis up but instead he hits the ground with an oof.


Okay first of all Ouch, that hurt. Second of all, where is Louis and why is he not in bed like I thought he was. "Umm haz, why are you on the ground?" I hear Louis ask me from behind. I turn my head to see him walking out of the bathroom, and already dressed for the day. How long have I been sleeping? "Well I thought you were still in bed and I wanted to wake you up to tell you that it isn't raining today so we can finally go to the beach." I tell him with a smile and he walks over to me and offers a hand to help me up. I gladly take it because any chance I get to hold his hand, I will take. He helps me up and then sadly lets go of my hand but he is still touching me because next thing I know he is running his hands up and down my arms. "Haz, you have goos bumps, go get ready so we can keep you warm in the sun babe." He tells me and chuckles while walking away. When he calls me babe it makes my heart beat just a little bit faster. I pretend like his touch didn't just affect me in any way and grab my clothes to go take a shower.  

When I come out of the shower I see that Louis has all of our things ready and also there is a basket sitting on our bed. I wonder what that is. "Hey Lou, what's in the basket?" He looks over at me and smiles while saying, "well we are going to have a picnic on the beach later duh." I love picnics, and the fact that this one is on the beach makes it even better. Wait does this mean that it's a date? I think I should ask him. "Louis, is this going to be a date? Because I'm wasn't sure if that's what you were going for or if you just want to have a picnic." He is still looking at me with a tiny smile. "Haz you can have this day be whatever you want it to be. So if you want it to be a date then that's what it will be. I won't say anything, I'll let you think whatever you want.." He winks at the end. I don't want to tell him I don't want it to be a date because then he would think I don't want to go on a date with him. But I also don't want to tell him I want it to be a date because then he would make a big deal out of everything and also we aren't even dating haha. "Oh umm okay Lou, lets just go I'm not sure what to call this day yet." I tell him and we head out the door. "I know what I want this day to be but I'll keep it in my head for now." He tells me with a smirk and starts to walk away.

On our way out of the hotel we see our parents and they ask us where we are going. "We are going to the beach, we will probably be there all day. Did you guys want to come as well?" I ask them kind of hoping they don't want to come with us because I want to think of this as a date but I don't want to tell anyone that. "No, we have other things planned for today, but make sure you boys are back before midnight okay? Also don't plan anything for tomorrow Harry, it's your birthday and we have things planned already." My mom says and they walk away. Me and Louis turn to walk out the hotel and start our journey to the beach. Luckily it isn't far away so we can just walk instead of having to take a car. We get to the beach and I see Louis looking at me with a smirk on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that Louis, what now?" His smirk only grows bigger and he says, "last one to the water has to do whatever the other says for a whole day!" Before I even have a chance to answer him he is taking off to the water. Why does he have to make everything a competition. "Louis that's not fair I wasn't ready" I yell at him and of course by the time I'm by the water he is already in it and swimming away form me. "Oh come on haz it's just a game don't be a baby, now come get in and lets swim." He says with a smile on his face. I get in the water and swim to him and I'm not paying attention to him but when I turn to look at him I get splashed with a whole bunch of water. "Wha- Lou really, that's how it's going to be? Well guess what, two can play at that game." I tell him and before he has a chance to swim away I jump on his back and we both go under water. Once we come back to the top I have my arms around Louis' neck and he has an arm around my waist while the other one treads water to keep us a float. We both just look into each others eyes for a second before we both realize what we are doing and separate. Now this is going to be awkward. "Umm... sorry haz I umm... yeah just sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Awe no now he is acting all nervous and shy, I want the happy and stupid Louis back. "No Lou it's okay I promise we were just umm... I don't know actually but it doesn't' matter it's okay I promise." I tell him and he still has a tiny frown on his face but he gives me a tiny smile before saying, "okay, well I'm actually getting kind of hungry but we can keep swimming if you want and eat later." "No I'm actually getting kind of hungry too, we can go eat and then get back in later." So we get out of the water and dry off and pull the food out of the basket. "Really Louis, you had to bring strawberries dipped in chocolate, that's such a cliche type of date food." I tell him while laughing. He pouts at me but I can tell it's a playful pout. "Hey, I know you like them so I don't want to hear it from you that it is cliche, you either eat them or I will." He tells me, and awe that's cute that he remembered that from so long ago. I haven't had these in forever I'm surprised he remembered actually. We sit out of the water for another hour just eating and talking about all the fun things we have done so far and what else we want to do before we leave. 

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