Chapter 5

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When both boys wake up and are getting dressed for the day, they hear a nock on the door. "Boys are you up yet, we have some things planned for today." Their moms say to them through the door. "Yeah mom you guys can come in we are all dressed and ready to go." Their moms walk in and tell them some things they are going to do today, and that Louis and Harry are going to a carnival later that night while they are at a spa. "So the first thing on the agenda today is we are all going out to breakfast, then after we are done there we are all going to go hiking around a volcano. Also later tonight after dinner Louis, me and your mom are going to a spa and you boys are going to the carnival that is in town close to our hotel." Both boys look at each other with the same look in their eyes. They both think this is a perfect date idea but neither will say anything about that. "Yeah that sounds like fun. I haven't been to a carnival in a long time so I'm excited." "Yeah me too I think it'll be fun." Says Harry. "Good then that is how our day is planned out. After we are done with the hike we might have time to go shopping before dinner if you boys would like." They all grab the things they need for the day and head out to breakfast.


We walk to the restaurant because it's not to far away from our hotel. As we are walking I can see out of the corner of my eye Harry looking at something in a window. "Haz whatcha looking at? Do you want to go in that store later?" He turns to look at me, "no that's okay Lou the things in that store look expensive anyway, I can't afford anything in there." I can tell by how his eyes light up every time he looks at whatever he is looking at in there and I just know whatever it is I will get it for him for his birthday. "I'll take you in there later haz we can see how much whatever you are looking at is." He turns back to look at the store, "Lou no, I don't have money to spend on that right now maybe it just wasn't mean to be." "Haz I never said you would be buying it silly." He turns back to look at me and his eyes go wide. "Lou no, you are not buying anything in there for me, It is all way to expensive I won't let you do that." I grab his hand just because and I feel like it and him stiffen but I don't say anything about it. "Haz it's almost your birthday just let me buy you something okay?" I tell him with a pout. "No, I already told you I don't need anything and even if you were to buy me something I don't want you to buy anything from that store. I don't want you to waste your money on me like that." What, I would love to waste my money on him all day everyday. I'll just pretend I'm not going to buy him anything from that store, but we all know that's a lie. "Fine haz I won't buy anything from that store, you win." He looks at me with a smile feeling like he won that battle, and we enter the restaurant. 

After we have breakfast we decide to take a walk around first and then go on our hike. This gives me time to go in that store with Harry and find out what he was looking at. "Harry do you want to go see how much that thing is in the store?" I ask him and he hesitates for a second. "Yeah I guess we can always go look but don't get any ideas Louis." Oh no promises sunshine. "Yeah yeah I'm just curious as to what you were looking at."  He looks at me with a tiny smile, "I'll show you Lou don't worry. I've always wanted something like it but I'll find a different one somewhere else because this one is probably a lot of money." I look at him and smile because if he likes it this much then I am definitely going to get it for him. "Well if you like it this much lets go see how much it is shall we." We head into the shop and he leads me right to what he was looking at before breakfast. "Wow haz I didn't know you wanted a necklace like this, it's cute." I look at the paper air plane necklace with a smile because it is so Harry. "Yeah I just could never find one I really liked, but this one caught my eye right away. I'm kind of scared to look at the price because I know for a fact I don't have enough money to buy it." He tells me with a sad smile on his face. 

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