Ch 5

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And soon enough, the other Autobots start to transform and follow Optimus. I smack my forehead. In an instant, i follow one of the autobots, I think it was Ironhide, and i bang on his leg.

"Hey! Listen to what Cappy and Sam said! Stay. Put." Ironhide looks down at me with his blue optics, what is with Autobots and the blue optics, and kneels down, and looks me straight in the eyes, and says,

"We need those glasses. We don't have much time."

I just look at him blankly as he gets back up and heads into the backyard. Me and Mikaela follow the Autobots into the yard, seeing that they are making a mess of the yard. Oof! Whoever made and took care of this garden is gonna be really ticked. I then hear Sam questioning Optimus on why the Autobots are in his yard. But more in a repeating word manner rather then a straight up, "Why aren't you guys waiting?" one.

I look at the yard to see it in a full mess, and Optimus adds the real cherry when he accidentally steps on the fountain.

"Oops. Sorry. My bad."

At this point, Sam is just done with these guys and life, and i don't blame him. Cappy gave a small laugh, making Sam look at her, horrified.

"It's expensive for them, you know how they are. Oh, I... you couldn't... you couldn't wait for five... you couldn't wait for five minutes?! I told you to just stay! Just stay! Gaaah!" Sam ranted.

"Sammy boy, calm down. You look horrible, have a snickers!" Cappy's attempt at calming her cousin down doesn't work, just making him look at her with an unamused expression.

"You don't even have one on you."


I remember I had my bag on me, and as stealthily as i could, i opened a portal in it, and pulled out a snickers bar and quickly closed the portal. I take my hand out of my bag and hold it out to Sam.

"I got one!" I say with a joking expression on my face. Sam looks at me with a slightly confused look, but shrugs it off, and grabs it from me. I smile, but then Sam looks back at me and then to Mikaela.

"I told you girls to watch them. I told you." Sam goes on ranting, and Mikaela gives him a glare.

"Okay, you know what? They seem to be in a little bit of a rush," she stated. "Even we couldn't keep them calm."

"Oh this is bad." Sam continues on to rant.

I roll my eyes to notice a small dog near Ironhide's foot. It didn't take too long for me to put two and two together and know what the dog was thinking. The dog lifted his leg, and Sam yells at it.

"No! Mojo, Mojo! Off the the robot. Gah!"
I cringe at the dog's action, and instantly, Ironhide shakes his foot, making the dog flip over, and Sam runs over to his dog.

"Oh, wet." Ironhide grumbles outloud. Sam picks up his dog and Ironhide transforms his forearms into his cannons, and I look away.

"Hold on! Hold! This is Mojo! This is Mojo. He's a pet of mine." Sam continues to rant. I look up and wince. Ironhide is about to kill a dog. I don't want to see this. "He's a pet, ok? Thats all. If you could justput the guns away... put the... put them away. Please." Well, Sam is panicking!

"You have a rodent infestation. Shall i terminate?" Ironhide asks, with a tone that sounds like it's itching to kill something. I look at Cappy, and i can tell she is getting nervous!

"No, no, no, no. He's not a rodent, he's a Chihuahua. This is my... this is my Chihuahua. We love Chihuahuas! Don't we?" Sam continued to rant. Guess that's something that happens when he's stressed and panicked. He then looks at Cappy, who is obviously not caring, giving a deadpan look at him.

"You guys do, but not me." Sam groans at her response.

"Yeah, Chihuahuas aren't my favourite dog either." I add, to which I receive a look from Sam that basically said That isn't helping!

"He's leaked lubricants all over my foot." Ironhide growls. I glance to Cappy who has a disgusted look on her face. I don't blame her.

"Not that bad..." Cappy mutters.

"He peed on you? Bad Mojo. Bad Mojo!" Sam scolds his dog.

"Bad Mojo." Ironhide mimics. I let out a small laugh. Well, things could be way worse now.

"I'm sorry. He's got a male dominance thing. That's all it is." Sam comments as Ironhide begins to walk in a different direction, grumbling.

"My foot's gonna rust." I chuckle, a little outloud. Ironhide hears and looks down at me. "Oh! You think this is funny? How would you like it if i lubricated on your foot?!"

"I'm sorry," I respond. "Here." I reach into my bag, and open a small portal, and pull out a bottle of some Rusteze. I close the portal in my bag, and pour some of the medicated bumper ointment onto a rag i had in my bag, and i rub the foot that the dog had peed on. "There! Shouldn't rust!"

Cappy looks at me and smiles. "Hey! I was gonna offer to clean that, after all, it was my cousin's dog's mess." I laugh.

"Meh, I don't mind. It was no trouble." I respond, as i wipe my hands on my pants. I then hear Optimus order the Autobots to recon, then seeing the Bots spread out on the yard.

I walk around the yard, being patient with Sam looking for the glasses. I look at the Autobots, and i feel so fascinated. The technology that makes them, well, THEM, really interests me! I am into science and all that weirdness, and that helps when you can travel universes. I didn't realize i had zoned out till i got nudged in the back by a large finger. I turn around to see Ratchet kneeled behind me.

"Are you alright?" He asks me.

"Yeah, i'm fine! It's just, i have never met a species like yours! I love technology, and you guys make me want to know more!" I felt like one of those anime girls with stars in her eyes and her mouth becoming a W shape. I was internally fangirlling, and i think Rachet got a kick out of that. He laughs and smiles down at me.

"Maybe when we have time, i can answer some of the questions you may have."

I felt a smile creep on my face, and i pump my fist in the air. Yes! But my joy got cut short when I heard my name being called by Optimus.

"Stacey, hide!"

In an instinct, i look around and go into one of the now transformed autobots, and lay down on the seats. I sigh heavily, and get so caught off guard when i hear Jazz's voice.

"Hey! Sup, girly?"

I thought i would have a heart attack! I jolt up and had quick breaths, and in a minute, i calmed myself. I take a breath in before apologizing.

"Hey Jazz, sorry, you caught me off guard. I didn't realize that i hid in your transformed state."

"It's totally chill with me! You just do you."

I resist the urge to laugh. His earth slang is just... what? I smile amused, and i hear and see Optimus tell Mikaela, how did she get up to Sam's room, and Sam to hurry up with finding the glasses.

"We must have those glasses. Keep searching." Sam starts to complain, and Optimus is clearly annoyed, pinching the arch of his nose position. "Calm down, calm down." He then turns to the other bots. "Autobots, fall back."

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