Chapter 1

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"Jade stop! Stop before you kill us!" Tommy screamed. I could only laugh as I made the tree grow as high as I could, sitting on its very top with Tommy and Tubbo beside me, hanging on for dear life.

For as long as I knew, I had these powers. To warp the land to my wishes. Anything that grew naturally on this land was under my control. Mountains, caves, jungles and even the desert and the tundra.

But right now, all I could think of was making these two throw up in fear. And so, I flicked my hands and the branches wrapped around their feet, hoisting them upside down as I guided the branches to hold them away from the tree.

Tubbo looked at me fearfully, squirming and writhing as I sat on the treetop, grinning. "Feeling brave boys?" I mocked and shook the branches. Tommy groaned and as I predicted, threw up immediately, begging me to get them down to the ground.

I shook my head and pulled them back on the the top, making them sit as I warped the branches to hold them steady. Tubbo had surprised me as I assumed that he would be the first one to give up. In the end, after all his big words, Tommy turned out to be a wuss.

I sent a quick text to Wilbur as the tree made its way down, the leaves fluttering happily. I knelt down and caressed the leaves softly. "Thank you... for letting us have an adventure with you." The tree swayed softly and shuddered to a stop as we reached the height it originally was at. Tommy looked green and Tubbo just sat there, looking blankly in the distance.

I jumped down, landing on the grass that cradled my legs to prevent me from getting hurt and the branches holding up the two boys picked them up, gently setting them down on the ground. Tommy and Tubbo collapsed on the ground, holding on to the grass for dear life as I rolled my eyes at them, making sure they saw me.

I sat down beside them, looking them over once to see if they had any broken bones. If they had then Philza would never let me hear the end of it. Not that it mattered. I didn't belong here. The woods called to me and the ocean beckoned me to jump in and get lost. But I owed these people... for saving my life. And I had to stay until I paid the debt off.

It was silly. Staying here even though nothing held me down. Nothing... except my own morals. And I knew I had to stay. Something told me that I'd be repaying my debt sooner than later.

The silence was broken by Wilbur's shouts. "Tommy! Tubbo! Where are you guys?! Jade! Where are my brothers?!" I rolled my eyes and stood up as he barged into the once silent clearing, going down on his knees to dramatically wraps his arms around the two boys. "Tommy! Tubbo! You guys... stink."

Tommy coughed and turned away and Tubbo's face broke into a slight smile. "Blame Jade for that. I'm sure she did everything she did to make us throw up... and well... Tommy did."

I could hear Wilbur's exasperated sigh as he stood up. "Jade..."

"Oh shut up already Wilby."

He scowled at me and crossed his arms, turning away and lending his hand to the boys to get them to stand up. Five minutes and several wobbly steps later, we were making our way back to L'Manberg. By then the boys had regained their high spirits and were running as soon as the gate was visible.

Wilbur just walked beside me, occasionally glancing at me as though he needed to say something. Everytime he looked at me, it just made me more and more irritated until he finally stopped walking and grabbed my arm.

"I'll let you know that the only reason you aren't dangling upside down fifty meters above my head is because I mildly tolerate you. So, speak fast and let go of my hand even faster if you want to see the sunset tonight." I guess the threat worked because he did let go of my hand but didn't move away.

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