Chapter Thirteen

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Six hours have passed since my confession of fear to Sebastian, I have talked with my sister and Ruby. They both feel I should go back to North Carolina to talk with Rhett but why would I put myself in that situation? No. I'll just continue on with my work and life in New York like I have been for the past couple of years and be just fine.

The door to the suit opened indication Sebastian coming back.

"Bash, I'm in the bedroom." I called out knowing he would want to check on me before he showered and got ready to leave for whatever club he was headed to this time.

Entering the bedroom, he set down his binder with all of the paperwork and notes he keeps on the table.

"Hey, baby doll, feeling any better?" He asked while he made his way over and sat next to me on the bed. I set the book I was failing to read down on the night stand and sat up, crossing my legs.

"I'll be fine, Bash." Shrugging while I lied to one of my best friends who would quickly call me out of my lie, I reached for the TV remote.

He was staring at me, watching me intently with knowing eyes but he didn't press the topic. Thankfully.

"Come out with me, dancing will do you some good."

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a comical grin. We both knew what he was going to the club for and I wanted no part of trying to pick someone up.

"Come on, honey, let loose for once." He pushed.

Blinking at him with a blank stare, we both laughed. I flung one of the pillows towards him but he caught it and tossed it back as he stood up.

"Sorry, Bash, you know that's just not my thing. I'll be here if you need me though, I don't plan on leaving. Go have a good time. I'm going to curl up and look for a movie, maybe call Jess for a little bit."

Sebastian watched me as I spoke. I knew he could see right through my act of being fine. With pursed lips he slipped his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through notifications.

"Already have a date set up?"

A grin slowly appeared on his lips as he was trying out a replying text message.

"Not so much a date, but I am meeting up with this guy. He's hot, Cassie, you really should come with me."

"I'll pass. But if this one sticks around, I'd like to meet him eventually." I smiled knowing that prefers not to fall into serious relationships with how often we travel for work.

"Alright, alright. Promise me you'll at least go down and check out the diner in this place, it has amazing food and some of the mixed drinks you like are even better."


Narrowing his eyes with a dramatic hand on his hip he gave me a cold stare.

"Fine. I'll check it out when I get hungry. I didn't eat lunch since I left the pageant so early, maybe I'll go for an early dinner."

"Good. I'll let Ramsey know you'll be in later."

Ramsey? How does he know so many people everywhere he goes?


"Ramsey. He's one of the bartenders there. He'll take care of you and make sure you stay safe for me. He's a good guy, Cassia, don't worry."

"Bash, if this is your way of trying to set me up-"

"It's not, he's not into the ladies but you wouldn't know that with how friendly he is."

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