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internal stereotype- im kind of antisocial until you get to know me and ive earned your trust then im fun and will joke around with you a lot. in introverted unless im with someone who manages to bring the extrovert out in me. i think highly of myself but not in a cocky way im just confident but not in an i think im better than anyone els way. in other words i think im equal to everyone.

visage/looks- im about 5'7 (every one makes fun of me but in an inside.joke way), light blue eyes, darn brown/black fluffy hair, its shaved on the back and sides but long on top (like this 🔽) a little button nose,

i have a black lobe piercing in each ear and a black industrial in my left, and a horse shoe septum

physique- abs, thin waist, broad shoulders, pale skin

personality- im more extroverted than introverted. im intuitive. i make more decisions based on feelings than thinking. i'm closed-minded but i respect others views if they are different to mine. i'm reliable. i don't line to be the one in charge because i'm scared i'll mess it up and think that sometimes els can do a better job by being more confident in their decision like cap.

persona impression- im shy at first but after you get to know me im happy and full of energy also always approachable.

fears- spiders (i get one of the other avenger to get rid of them for me normally nat), clowns, things with a strange texture (walking in wet socks, stepping on sweetcorn ext...), failure/not dong good enough/not being good enough, not liking my food to touch

dream- to be really good with technology and an amazing fighter

health- good unless injured in battle but i heal quickly (one of my powers)

mental health- social anxiety/panic attack, trust issues, slight ocd, doubting myself (the avengers support me with all this and i have a therapist)

physical health- physically fit, goes on jogs, runs, cycles, walks regularly, use the gym in the tower to practice with my spear

combat style- use my spear/other powers/regular hand to hand combat

strength- can fight all day long no matter how beat up i get or how tired i get i always get back up

weakness- memories from my past/truman being brought up, self doubt, love

occupation- an avenger

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