Chapter One

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The Faction of Dauntless was humming with fragments of conversations. There was nervous chatter among new and hopeful initiates, waiting eagerly to see if their fate was to be Factionless, or Dauntless. Finally, the clatter of metal cups against the wood tables erupted and echoed in the Pit walls.
"Welcome, new members of Dauntless!" Max, the head of Dauntless booms.
The digital board of rankings appears on the far wall of the Pit.
1. Tris
2. Uriah
3. Lynn
4. Marlene
5. Will
7. Peter
8. Christina
9. Kiara
Tris Prior, first ranking initiate, cheers with her friends Christina, Uriah, Marlene, Lynn, and Will.
Her "special friend" Tobias, known as Four to the rest of the faction, is standing across the room, up against the wall with his arms crossed. His signature scowl replaced with a genuine smile.
"Tomorrow, you will receive your Apartment Numbers and pick your Careers in order of rankings." Eric, an intimidating Dauntless leader snarls. "The rest of your night is yours to spend. Congratulations."
Tobias glides over to Tris.
"Congratulations. Do you think hugging you would give too much away?" He says as hope glints in his deep blue eyes.
"At this point, I'm too happy to care." Tris smiles and pulls Tobias down to meet her lips.
After they break apart, Christina clears her throat.
"Tris! Girl conference... Now!" She squeals as she drags Marlene, Lynn, and Shauna with her and Tris to the hallway. "TRIS?! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?" She screeches giddily.
"Do you want me to go deaf?" Lynn grumbles.
"Middle of stage two." Tris answers quickly, pretending to be bored.
"And why exactly didn't you tell us? Marlene questions mock angrily.
"I didn't want you to think it affected my ranking." Tris mumbled.
"Girl, we are not that shallow!" Christina playfully slapped Tris on the shoulder. "We are happy for you!"
Everyone, even Lynn beamed at Tris.
"Come on, we have to return you to your love-bird." Lynn chuckled. They return back to the Pit, to see Uriah jumping up and down on a table.
"Four, you had a thing with Tris this whole time? How did I not see that coming?" Uriah slaps himself in the head.
"I mean, I saw it. You kept giving her 'the eyes' and she gave them back." Will says plainly.
"Kinda like you and Christina?" Zeke laughs.
"Precisely." Will flashes a grin.
Uriah sees the girls walk up.
"Uriah." They echoed.
"I think an Initiation Party is to be conjured up here."
"Uriah, stop trying to use big words." Marlene says.
"You know you love it." Uriah snakes an arm around Marlene's waist.
Zeke pretends to cough and sneaks in an "ask her out." In between heaves.
Everyone laughs.
"So, party at my apartment?" Zeke says. "Make the announcement, Four."
He stands up on a table and yells. "Anyone looking for a good time tonight, go to Zeke's apartment. 37 C!"
The crowd cheers.
"Girls. This means..."
"Oh no." Lynn and Tris cover their ears.
"SHOPPING!!" Shauna, Marlene, and Christina shriek. They run out of the Pit, weaving in and out of circles of people.
"Sorry about them," Lynn apologizes to the crowds. "We lost their leashes."
A bubble of laughter rises in Tris' chest. She was happy that this was the life she chose.

"Chris!" Tris moans. "I've tried on, like seven dresses!"
"Okay, okay, fine. This is the last one, I promise." Christina yells and throws a dress over the dressing room door.
This is the first one Tris actually liked. The others were all too small, too big, too tight, too loose, too sexy, too covered, too poofy, too flat and so on.
It was a dark gray skater dress, made of soft cotton with cut outs above the hips. Black lace filled in the cut outs, so it wasn't too scandalous, but also not too boring. It was a scoop neck, so it showed off the little cleavage Tris had. It was the perfect length.
She slowly opened the dressing room door.
"Tris! I absolutely love it! You have to get it!" Tris still had a ton of Dauntless Bucks, so she decided to splurge for the party.
"Now, you have clothes for Candor or Dauntless, so-" Christina starts to say.
"What's that?" Tris cuts her off.
"Candor or Dauntless?"
"Omigod!" Marlene yelled from another dressing room.
"What?" Tris laughed.
"One- my boobs don't fit in this dress. Two... You don't know what Candor or Dauntless is?"
"One- TMI! Two- no." Tris mocks her friend.
"Well basically," Marlene makes a muffled sound as she tries to peel the dress off. "You play truth or dare."
"What's that?"
"God, Stiff. Did you have ANY fun in Abnegation?" Marlene sighs. "Basically, someone asks you 'Candor or Dauntless' Candor is truth, Dauntless is dare. You have to do or say whatever they tell you to. If you refuse you have to take off a layer of clothing."
"Sounds fun." I clear my throat.
"As I was saying, you already have clothes for that, so we just need to get you some lingerie."
"Well, are you gonna answer every question or do every dare?" Christina challenges.
"I don't know, I guess not."
"Point proven." Christina grins.
"Mar, we will be back in a few. I need to educate this poor soul."
"Ouch, that hurt Chris."
"You know it's true."

Tris and Christina walk into Dauntless Secret.
"How about... This?" Christina picks out an all lace bra and a matching thong.
"No way."
Christina chuckles. "This?" She holds up a jet black push up bra and matching frilly panties.
"Maybe. I was thinking more of this..." Tris picks up a maroon push up bra with lace detailing, and matching no lined panties.
"You have more style than I thought!" Christina smirks at her friend.
They go to the register to pay quickly.
"No, I got it!" Christina says, pulling out her card.
"No, I can't!" Tris pouts.
"Careful, your Abnegation is showing." Christina laughs and slides her card.
"I hate you!" Tris groans.
"No you don't!"

They return back to the store Marlene, Shauna, and Lynn are still in.
"Marlene, for the love of Jeanine Matthews, please hurry up!" Lynn yells.
"Okay. I think I like this one."
Marlene steps out in a gorgeous, black strapless dress. It flows down to mid-thigh level and hangs down to her ankles in the back.
"You look stunning!" Christina coos.
"Uriah will love it." Lynn smirks.
Christina ends up buying a short maroon bandage dress that shows off her curves.
Shauna gets a one shoulder black ruffled dress.
Lynn tries to get out of wearing a dress, but the girls practically force her into a long sleeved, high neckline dress that she looks absolutely gorgeous in.

"You can't make me pretty." Tris says dully as she sits in front of Christina and Marlene in the training room.
"Who cares about pretty? I'm going for noticeable."
Christina pulls out all of her makeup as Marlene and Shauna begin on Tris' hair.
When they finish, Tris looks in the mirror. Her straight hair cascades down her back. There's a small Dutch braid across the side of her head. Christina gave her a cat-eye look.
"Definitely noticeable." She murmurs in awe.
"Come on, let's go!" Shauna drags everyone to Zeke and her apartment.
You could hear the music blasting from down the hall.
"They really weren't kidding!" Tris exclaims.
"They go full out with these parties." Lynn laughs.
Christina knocks loudly on the door. A random drunk guy answers.
"What's up dudes?" He laughs and beckons us inside.
"Ladies! You're looking wonderful this evening. Especially you, Shauna." Zeke greets us.
"Thanks." Shauna blushes.
"Mar, um. You look..." Uriah appears from the crowd.
"Spit it out already." Lynn says.
"Stunning." Uriah says and clears his throat. "Gonna go get some water."
"He's thirsty alright." Will appears laughing. "Christina, you are looking lovely tonight."
"You don't look so bad yourself." She takes Will's hand and they go to dance.
"Tris." Tobias walks over to Tris.
"You look. Wow."
"Wow good or wow bad?" Tris mumbles nervously.
"Good. Very good." Tobias smiles.
A few minutes later, Zeke rounds up everyone.
"Go change for Candor or Dauntless. Meet Shauna and me on the roof."
Let the games begin.


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