chapter 1 lost boys and lost girls

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[ your name is alexa bliss and your second in command is chloe ]

'' hey Alexa wake up we have guests '' chloe says opening the door

'' oh im already up ''

'' ok we have guest ''

'' who is it ''

'' peter ''

'' wait what '' you say getting up you quickly put your leather jacket on , on top of my black long sleeved top and dark dark dark green jeans and combat boots .

You walk out and you see peter staring at your long curly hair flotting around in the air and you slam your door and everyone stops talking even peter and his lost boys .

'' so what are you doing on my side of neverland peter '' you say jumping a little down your cabin steps and walk towards peter then you hear one of the young lost boys say '' oh this girl is just like peter '' you walk over to the fire were you left your guns , bats , metal poles and other things you need to fight with you get a sword and walk up to the boy from behind him everyone was staring even peter and felix the boy wasn't though and you stabbed him from behind with the blade that's now covered in his red blood .

'' what was that for '' chloe asked with her head to the side she didn't like your violence when no one has done anything but he did

'' because ''

'' because what Alexa '' chloe said more annoyed walking over to you by the fire you touch the end of the blade then dip it in the fire and throw it on the floor

'' because he said that im just like peter '' you say looking at her dead in the eyes

all the lost girls gasped and the lost boys just stared at them as if to say ' what the hell ' and peter just staring right into your eyes looking through your thoughts but you roll your eyes and walk to him ask him if you could talk . you two walk into the dark woods on your side of the island and you start climbing one of the biggest trees in the forests .

'' were you going '' peter said looking up at you

'' im climbing my favourite tree ''

'' let me quess its called your ' thinking tree ' ''

'' how did you know that peter ''

'' I have one its the biggest in the forest ''

'' mines the biggest tree in my forest '' you say looking down at him and sitting on one of the top branches

'' hey you coming ''

then peter clicks his fingers and he is sat right next to you , you budge away from him a little he sees the fear in your eyes when he was sat next to you

'' you ok Alexa '' peter says looking into your eyes

'' yeah just...'' you say looking to the other side of you , you kind of liked peter being with you but you have always believed that love is a weakness just like what happened to your mum and dad rumple and belle both so strong now they are so weak in love .

'' just what Alexa you have to tell someone how you feel ''

'' I just cant stand being on this island theres no fun in it no more just me and my lost girls '' then an idea popped into yours and peters head then you looked at each other as if you could read each others mind and your faces looked as if you had an idea .

you jumped of the tree and landed on the floor on both feet leaving peter shocked '' how did you do that '' '' I don't know peter come on ill tell you on the way to my camp '' '' so how did you do that Alexa '' you stared at him a little sad and the memories came back from when your parents were deeply in love and left you and love made you feel sick .

'' oh when my parents left me I had moved into my own apartment and this guy saw me get beaten up by these kids at school so he taught me very well and I had a tournament and I broke my leg but I carried on and won and became one of the best wwe fighters ever '' [ this is of the film kuarate kid oh yeah and I added wwe into it ]

'' oh im so sorry ''

'' don't be it was fun''

peter laughs and that made you grin at his actions .

'' so Alexa you know how you said you were lonely and bored why don't you and the lost girls join our camp ''

'' ill think about it peter ok '' you say and walk back to your camp to see all the lost girls and lost boys playing together and some making weapons and others talking around the fire .

'' well it looks like they like each other already '' you say pointing at them

peter smirks not an evil smirk just a simple and cute smirk .

'' so do you and your lost girls want to join us lost boys ''

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