One last time (pt2)

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"Midoriya a word," the gruff voice of Aizawa filters through into his head. The boy spooks snapping his head to the teacher. "W-wait!" He says covering his head protectively.

The older man raised an eyebrow at the boy but stays still. "Sorry teacher." Izuku says dipping his head. Stupid trauma response. Aizawa brushes it off, "It's fine I wanted to talk to you. This past week you've been distant." He states. Izuku gapes at the man. "No way I've been around my friends all the time! Ah b-but also focused on studies and training especially..." He adds on to defend himself.

The man shakes his head. "No, mentally you've been distant. In class, around your friends, your eyes are hollow Midoriya." Izuku blushes in embarrassment. A teacher seeing through him so quickly how terrible is that! "the only time your focusing is when you're pushing yourself too hard in training, I'm not an idiot midoriya, you've just turned 16 right?" He questions.

The green haired boy nods. He doesn't like where this conversation is going. He may have overestimated his class mates but Aizawa is still hot on his tail.

Aizawa nods to himself in conformation. "And you know an attempt attack is going to take place?" He questions but to Izuku it sounds like a cold flat statement that said boy had hidden. Feeling ashamed Izuku nods again, this time not raising his head back up. "It doesn't take a genius to figure you out. Your time told you didn't it?" He pries further ripping down all Izuku's defence. "Mr Aizawa-"

"Save it problem child." He snapped making Izuku flinch at the tone. "I always had hopes you'd have a long life. Wouldn't share the fate of so many like you. When is the attack? How long do we have to prepare?" He asks trying to indirectly get the amount of time Izuku has left. "Sir please understand-"

"Midoriya tell me. That's a direct order from your teacher and higher up!" He says firmly.

"I know you want to know. I know you think we have a month maybe a year to get ready. You think maybe I'll die when I'm pro. Saving someone, or next to my partner, my friends. That's what you expect me to say right? You want to prove the part of you that nags wrong right?" He says standing up. Izuku flicks green eyes to his time seeing the number down to 6. His head raises to look the older in the eye.

"Don't worry yourself with my well being Midoriya-"

"Sir it's already too late." The green eyed boy says going stiff. Across the horizon a long ploom of smoke rises. Izuku can see clearly from the window. It wasn't supposed to be this soon but fate waits for no one it seems.

"We haven't got time to prepare we don't even have a week to plan whenever this attack comes it comes. We have to fight it then." He says still analysing the smoke. "We live in the present so theirs no use looking to the future." The boy walks closer to the window glancing to the gate then looking beyond. He can see the trail of destruction approaching. "If you look sir you can already see what's coming." He says pointing a finger into the distance and looking back.

Aizawa follows his gaze then stiffness. "Today?" He breaths. "You're ment to die today?" Izuku smiles at the man. "No im ment to fight my best today. What ever comes after is the future and I don't dabble in the future."

Izuku knows full well he doesn't die today but he knew an attack would happen soon. Such is the life of a hero professional or not. So he had started preparing himself for combat. With his time as his only guid he will protect anyone he has to. He's a hero. It's what they do. He knows he doesn't die today that's enough for him.

And yes although he didn't expect an attack to happen today he can't even force himself to be nervous. Cant force himself to be scared. His calmness although rare is not faked. He knows what to do now all he needs is to analyse and fight.

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