New year old me

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When celebrating new year it's an old custom to pay thanks to the shrine and give thanks to all we care and love for. This is a truly beautiful tradition to do at midnight aswell as walking through the scattered stores and carts that have been set up around the shrine you chose.

Sadly this tradition is dying out amongst the younger generation but most still visit shrines with their family on New Year's Day. However the more western ways have slowly corrupted the ways of old and that's how Izuku found himself at a party.
He really didn't want to be at this party. But somehow he was persuaded or bribed by the manipulative ways of bakugo Katsuki.

The clock inching closer towards midnight and absolutely no sign of Kacchan. Not a single spike of ash blond hair. No familiar shouting and no crimson eyes burning into the back of his head.

Story two: a New Years kiss or Izuku looses katsuki at a party and then gets into some trouble as usual.

For gods sake katsuki you've done it this time! Where the hell are you?  did he go home? Did he loose me?! I can't help but think back to what he had said:

I'll be with you the whole time deku.

Don't worry about loosing me deku

I won't let you out of my sight deku!

"Seems I've lost you deku." I whine out mocking what he told me a few hours ago. It's always the same, jeez and after I begged Aizawa to look after Eri so I could come with him, what a waste. Im getting out of here. It's a dump anyway. Parties are far from my style and I don't like them! Besides bad things always happen like:
Getting lost
Almost getting arrested
Jumping out a window with Shinso
Getting shot... that one hurt.

I really shouldn't continue this list.

Back to what I was thinking before... whatever that was. No point staying where I'm alone. It's just annoying. All these people make me anxious. It's loud, with the music blaring, crowded with at least 150 people and stinks of alcohol and is that weed?

God no. No no no. I'm leaving. I'd rather be with eri! It is her first new year being safe and all so I should have stayed and loved her as we counted down. I'm so angry I got talked into this.

Coming to a decision I squish my way through the waves of people helplessly trying to find the exit. I must have been in the centre where the most people are. It's so packed and crowded. Since I'm short I can't see over their heads so from the amount of people dancing, poorly may I add, I have to pick a direction and just push.

After what must be ten minutes at least counting from the songs that have been playing I finally, finally see the door.

Hallelujah. Yatta. Other cheers I scream in my head. Is it too early to let out a sigh of relief?

It was so close now. There aren't even many people to push past. I could just about grab it. I reach my hand out ready to swing it open when I'm sandwiched in between two people. It was to early. Am I that unnoticed? Apparently so. This nightmare keeps getting better and better. Woohoo -_-

I'm gonna have to thank Kacchan real hard for this when I see him. If I ever see him. Oh he's gonna pay alright. Bet he knows that. He probably has a grin on his face right now thing of me trying to tell him off. What an idiot.

I can just about hear a far of sneeze what a weird coincidence.

Anyway back to the fact I'm pressed in between to people who are....

Yep there it is. They're making out. Gross. They better not start heating it up with me in here. "Excuse me!" I yell out. They don't hear me. Or they don't care. I feel however it's the first of the two. "Ummm? Hello?"

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