K-Keith (old)

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Keith POV
After that I jumped out of bed and ran out of the room. I felt tears forming in my eyes, 'he's gonna think I'm a creep' I thought slamming the door behind me. I started to hyperventilate and the room started to spin. The image of his face burned itself into my mind and I feel the tears flowing down my face. I felt my throat itch again and I started coughing up forget me nots and blood, it seemed to be more than before. After the coughing fit I started breathing heavily. I got up shaking and walked passed my mirror and was shocked to what I saw. I stared at myself in the mirror, i saw the flowers start to grow from the sides of my cheeks and saw blood trickle down the flowers. I touched one of them and felt it sting. I started shaking and started to hyperventilate again. I quickly opened my door a rushed to Shiros room covering my face. I quickly knocked on his door and waited for him to open the door. Once he opened the door I quickly rushed into his room and closed the door behind me. He was confused and was about to say something until I turned around and showed him my face.

Shiro POV
I woke up to someone knocking on my door. I sluggishly got up and walked to my door. I opened the door and someone quickly rushed in my room and closed the door. I turned to see Keith holding his face. I was about to say something but he revealed his face to me and I gasped. "K-Keith y-you..." I said not knowing what to say. "I-I don't what's going on.... I-I don't know what to do" Keith said in a shaky voice. He was hyperventilating and I could tell he was panicking. "Keith calm down... take deep breath's in and out, if you don't calm down you'll pass out" I said trying to help him breathe properly. He starts to take slow breaths and calmed down a little, but he was still shaking. I walked him to the side of my bed and we both sat down and I said "now tell me what happened"

Lance POV
A few hours after I feel asleep on Keith i slowly stirred awake up noticed Keith started to turn to my direction so I kept my eyes closed. A few minutes of sitting in silence I felt Keith move closer to me. I kept my eyes closed until I felt Keith's soft and warm lips on mine. I stared at him shocked but I didn't feel mad. I was actually blushing a lot. Once he opened his eyes he jolts up. "I-I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to do that" Keith said blushing. He jumps out of my bed and ran out before I could say anything. I stared at the door and felt kinda sad. I pulled my legs up to my chest and sat there in my bed and felt tears start to form up a little bit. I wiped one of the tears away and looked at the tear on my figures. 'Did I mess up again... I should've said something" I thought in my head. I got up and looked in the mirror, my reflection showed a guy with dark circles under his eyes and tear marks going down his cheeks. "Geez... I look like shit" I said feeling the bags under my eyes. I sighed and sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands. "Everything feels so confusing... do I like Alura or do I like Keith" I said. I flopped back on my bed I stared up at the ceiling. The question kept me up all night. It felt like the question was mocking me throughout the whole night. Let's just say I didn't get that much sleep. Once I knew it was time to get up I sluggishly got out of bed and stared at the mirror again. "Pull yourself together Lance... don't mess up now when you've come so far" I said glaring at myself in the mirror. I got dressed and made my way to the dining area. Everyone was there but something seemed off. I noticed that Keith had a mask on covering his face. I walked up to the group but before I could say anything Alura ran towards me and hugged me. "Lance I'm so sorry, I've been thinking about it a lot and I have been acting bad towards you, you know I still love you right Lance" Alura said burying her face in my chest. I stared down at her then looked up to Keith. At the moment I still was a bit sluggish, so I hugged her back and said "I love you too?" unsure if that was the best thing to say, but when I realized what I said I felt my heart sink a little and looked up to where Keith would be standing. He was gone. 'Did I mess up? Am I gonna lose him again? Why did I do that?' I thought as I felt the room start to spin a little. I pulled back from the hug and said "I-I have to go I d-don't feel so good". I rushed out the room and into another hallway. I felt lightheaded. I didn't know how to feel about this. I started to feel tears forming in my eyes but I wiped them away. "I have to find Keith" I said. I walked around the halls of the castle trying to find him but had no luck. So I decided to go to his room. I knocked on his door and wanted on an answer. Nothing. "Keith... can we talk please" I said putting my hand on the door. Still no answer. I opened the door to see a dark room but I could still see Keith laying in his bed facing the other direction. "Keith can I talk to you..." I said stepping closer to him. "I know what you saw this morning was weird but I didn't know what I was doing" I stepped closer to him. He still didn't turn around. "I-I'm sorry Keith I didn't mean to make you feel-" I cut myself off when I was by his bed. "K-Keith.."

Sorry it took so long getting this chapter out as a gift to make up for that I want show you all the drawing that took up most of my time

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry it took so long getting this chapter out as a gift to make up for that  I want show you all the drawing that took up most of my time

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It's Keith with a vest corset ✨✨✨✨✨
This took me awhile to do so I hope you like it <3

The Flowers growing inside (Keith x Lance)Where stories live. Discover now