What Am I Doing?

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The boys made their way into the livingroom, the vast cavern-like space that had a large corner sofa, a reclining chair and ottoman, and a large, round, wooden coffee table. Around which sat three other people; Duncan, Sjin, and Sips. Sips slid closer to Sjin as Alex entered the room,

"Who's this babby joining in? Wait, isn't he that new guy? What gives guys?"

He complained.

"Sipsy, give him a chance. He seems to be an okay kid."

Retorted the tall-ish brunette, who looked mildy dissaproving at the paler boy.

Duncan motioned for the trio to sit down and proceeded to ask Alex all sorts of questions, like what portsmouth is like, what his parents do e.t.c.

"Well, Portsmouth is big, and you can tell when you're close to the water front cause it smells of the sea, and my dad is a Fire Man and my mum works in a big office. The reason we moved here was because they both got transferred to this area. My mm's away on a meeting in Japan at the moment." answered Alex.

With the blonde satisfied he went to talking to the rest about what kind of character he wanted to be, some kind of Gnome spellcaster, or something. As he sat, Alex listened in on the group. Paul wants to be a rat... king? And Sips wants to be an orc bard called Pretty Margret? This is an odd bunch he thought.

"Let me guess Ross, you want to be a werewolf?" Chided Chris.

"It's better than being a Walrukind, at least I can look human most of the time." Ross defended himself against the shorter one's remark.

"What's a Walrukind?" Inquired Alex.

"It's a humanoid walrus, like a Kahjiit or Argonian, only it's a walrus." Replied Chris, in a matter of fact tone.

"Hannah and Simon can't make it, so we are gonna start withouth them."

The group heard from across the hall, and Lewis walked into the room.

"So, everyone know what they're gonna be?" Lewis asked the group.

The next few hours were filled with laughter and a few 'So what am I doing's from Alex, but the day soon drew to a close and people started making their way home. Alex got a lift with Chris and Ross, and the car was filled with what should have happened during the sesion.

Alex got dropped off outside his gate and daudled up the driveway to his door, when reaching to open it he found it opeden for him and revealed a familliar face.


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