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WORK has been such a fucking drag today. I want nothing more than to go home and see my boy so he can make me forget about everything that's causing any kind of stress in my life. It's only noon and apparently, there's supposed to be some big meeting in the conference room later. We never have meetings and that's why it's suspicious to me.

Oh, god. We're all losing our jobs, aren't we? I knew it. They're going to tell us they're making budget cuts and they can't afford to keep us and I'm going to lose my shit. If they lay me off, I have no idea what I'm going to do. I've never even thought about what else I'd like to do besides what I'm doing now. I'm too nervous to try and use my degree. It's been years, it probably means nothing to jobs anyways. All I'm saying is, we better at least get severance pay.

I looked up from my computer and made eye contact with John, one of the older guys that sits next to me. He's really nice and reminds me of my grandfather, so I like him. I leaned towards him the tiniest bit.

"Do you have any idea what the meeting is about?" He shrugged, adjusting his glasses.

"No. All I know is that the new director has been in Mister Kingsley's office since he got here." I glanced towards the door about twenty feet away. The director? Oh, fuck. He's probably telling him right now who to fire and I'm on the list, I know it. Mister Kingsley doesn't even fucking like me. I'm probably first in line. Shit.

"Are we getting fired?" I whispered back.

"Hard to tell. Whatever it is, it seems serious." Of course, John doesn't give a fuck because he's only a year away from being able to retire. But me on the other hand, I have nothing waiting for me if I lose my job. I'm going to have to strip.

I knew it would come to this one day, I knew it. I'd lose my job and have to become a stripper just to make ends meet. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, it's a valid job and you're almost guaranteed to make money. But look at me. I wouldn't last a day in a strip club. I'm better at talking to people over the phone than in real life.

And what's Harry going to think? I'm just going to lose my job and then leech off of him until I get enough courage to take up stripping and I don't know how he feels about that. He gets defensive if someone at the grocery store looks at me too long. And I'm fully clothed there. So, realistically, he's going to drop me as soon as they fire me and there's nothing I can do about it. Might as well break the news now.

Holly: Do you know of any strip clubs nearby?

Harry: Um, is this a trick question? Because if so, I've never even been to one, baby. Only have eyes for you, swear.

Holly: Shut the fuck up and be serious.

Holly: I'm getting fired today.

I bit my lip while waiting for his response. He's going to think I'm a fucking loser.

Harry: How the fuck. Did you do something??

Holly: I don't think so? I don't know, the director is here and we're supposed to have a meeting and I'm scared, Harry.

Harry: Do you want me to come up there?

Holly: And do what exactly?

Harry: I don't know. Do you need another aunt to die or something? I'm free right now, I can be there in ten minutes.

Holly: Nooo. We're never doing that again. I'm just really nervous. I'm going to have to start stripping. That's all I have.

Harry: Fuck, seriously? I'd love to see that.

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