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Lilis POV

I woke up to the sound of someone yelling as I felt Rafes body get ripped from beneath me

"Are you fucking kidding me Lili?" JJ screamed at me

I  blinked a couple times in order to truly wake myself up as I felt exhausted. My eyes landed on JJ standing directly above Rafe who was laying on the ground with his hands wrapped around Rafes throat.

"Let him go." I tell him in a tired voice.

"What the hell is Rafe Cameron doing in your bed?" JJ asked me angrily as he tightened his grip around Rafes neck.

"Sleeping." Rafe replied sarcastically as he started laughing.

JJ tightened his grip on the other boys throat causing Rafe to start coughing.

"He's my friend." I tell JJ softly as my eyes meet Rafes.

"Rafe Cameron? The murderer! The asshole who got John B and Sarah killed! Is your friend? You have got to be shitting me. I knew you had bad tastes in boys but Rafe Cameron is next level. I hope you know once he's had you he's just gonna push you off to the side like your garbage. I see the way he treats you at parties. I know you know he treats you like shit. You want to sleep with this piece of literal shit?" JJ yells at me.

My eyes remained locked with Rafe and Rafe looked so sad. Like he knew he would never be good enough for me. Rafe didn't deserve me.... he treated me like actual shit. Deep down I knew that everything JJ said was true causing my heart to hurt.

"Touch my sister again.... and I'll.... I guess I'll take a page out of your book and kill you." JJ threatens the other boy.

"Like you can keep her away from me." Rafe taunts JJ.

Rafe kicked JJ off of him causing JJ to punch him in the face. I sighed as I watched the two idiots fight. I didn't really know who to root for. My brother was definitely right about Rafe but he doesn't know Rafe like I do. He wasn't the monster everyone thought he was. I watched as Rafe tackled JJ to the ground. Rafe started pounding JJ's face into the ground.

"He's had enough." I tell Rafe sharply.

Rafe doesn't listen as he continues to beat the shit out of JJ. I wasn't going to run over to him and get myself injured. He needed to stop himself if I went over there I was just going to get hurt and make him more mad. JJ pulled a gun from his pocket causing Rafe to immediately stop and move away from him in fear. I felt my heart practically pounding out of my chest as JJ cocks the gun.

"JJ!" I screamed at him as my eyes locked with Rafes.

Rafe had a terrified look in his eyes as JJ pointed the gun at him. I knew by looking into Rafes eyes that he was scared shitless and on the verge of tears.

"What if I kill him Lili? Huh? It would make my life easier! I wouldn't ever have to see him again! Wouldn't be reminded of what he did? It would make it easy for you to stay away from him! You know how toxic he is!" JJ yells as his hands start shaking as he holds the gun up to Rafes head.

I couldn't even breathe as I watched Rafe close his eyes as he felt the gun pressed against his temple. I saw a tear fall down his face as he started shaking. I hadn't seen him like this since.... he killed Peterkin.

"JJ...." I whisper as I climb off my bed and walk towards him.

"He's always the problem Lil... and now he's going after you..... he's tricking you into thinking he's a good guy when you know he's shit." JJ stutters as I can see his hand shaking.

"Just put the gun down." I tell him as my voice cracks.

I realized in that moment how scared I was about Rafe Cameron dying. My eyes locked with his eyes and his eyes were so red. My heart hurt just looking at him. He didn't deserve any of this. I turned my attention to JJ. He was staring at Rafe as his finger lingered on the trigger. My brother couldn't kill someone... right?"

"If you kill him.... you're just as bad as him." I tell JJ sharply.

JJ turned to look at me. The moment he looked away Rafe grabbed the gun out of his hand and pointed the gun at JJ.

"I got the power now!" Rafe screamed hysterically.

JJ grabbed my hand in fear as Rafe had a crazy look in his eyes. Rafe refused to make eye contact with me as tears started falling down.

"I've killed before... I'll do it again." Rafe warns JJ as he takes a step closer and presses the gun to JJs head.

"Rafe..." I whisper but he cuts me off.

"Shut the fuck up!" Rafe yells at me.

My mind replays the image of him killing Peterkin. He had the same crazy look in his eyes and I knew he was going to kill JJ.

"Rafe! You hate yourself for killing the sheriff do you really want to live with the guilt of killing another person?" I scream at him.

It's as if he doesn't hear me as his hand fumbles with the trigger. JJ squeezes his eyes shut as he awaits death. His hand was holding onto my hand with a death grip like he knew it would be the last time he ever touched my hand. I realized in that moment that I would lose not only JJ but Rafe. If he did this I would never forgive him.

"I can't lose two more people." I choke out as I stare at Rafe.

Tears clouded my vision as I waited for the boy I have grown to love to murder my brother. Rafe finally looks at me. I knew my face was covered in horror as he looked at me. His eyes lock with mine and tears pour down his face. He seems to snap out of whatever had taken over him as the gun slips out of his hands. The gun slams on the ground causing JJ to flinch at the noise. Rafe looked around as he started hyperventilating.

"I almost killed him.... I ...... me.... I'm ....." Rafe stuttered out as he looked around the room frantically.

JJ wrapped his arm around me protectively as we both stared at Rafe. I stand there frozen. This was just a reminder of how awful Rafe was. He could kill anyone.

"I'm...." Rafe begins to say but doesn't finish as he sprints out of my room.

I start bawling as I hide my face in JJs chest. JJ caresses my hair as he holds me tight.

"He's a monster Lili.. he can only hurt you." JJ whispers to me.

I nodded my head as I knew he was right. I needed to stop hoping Rafe was someone he's not. I needed to stay away from him.

Damm this part was spicy 🥺

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