Part 5

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In a restaurant located in the middle of the busy city of Bangkok, New is cooking inside the kitchen. He managed to negotiate with the owner of the restaurant to lend him his kitchen and also his staff for the mean time as he once associated with him while he visted his restaurant back in London. Fortunately he agreed and now New is preparing the lunch that will be presented to the business meeting of what Tae has favored him to do.

Working for Tae as his client has its benefits. He was very generous with the food budget so he suggested New to go all out when it comes to his cooking.

"Sir all the foods are now inside the van for delivery" one of the staff informed him.

"Thank you so much for all of your help and I will look forward working with all of you in the next few months" New smiled.

The staff blushed "It is our honor sir, we are a big fan of your works when it comes to foods. We would gladly learn from working for you".

"Do extend my gratitude to your boss".

"Will do sir"

"Okay I'll get going now.. I'm sure those business men are all waiting for their lunch"

"Okay Good luck sir!"

New is now on his way to the building address Tae had sent to him. Along with him is his other staffs that will help him organize and deliver the foods in the meeting.

They arrived at the said address and shock was an understatement to describe on seeing how big and tall the building is. It is very beautiful with its unique architecture design. New loves it, whoever owns the building sure had its taste when it comes to design.

The building was heavily guarded and it took them a while before they got to enter the top floor where the meeting was being held

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The building was heavily guarded and it took them a while before they got to enter the top floor where the meeting was being held.

"Make sure the foods are perfectly organized and categorized in their labels understood?" New commanded his staffs and they immediately started working.

With a little bit of finishing touches New is now satisfied with their work. Moments later one of the door opened and one of the secretaries inform them that they now can bring the foods inside.

New is about to help them guide it inside when his phone vibrated leaving his staffs and instructed them to go first and he will just follow.

"Hey there baby, what's up?" it was his son Gulf who called in the phone.

"Momma can you please cook me my favorite curry tonight? " his cute son requested. He can already imagine him pouting with his tone of voice.

"So my baby boy called me for this?" he wanted to teased his cute son a little.

"Aow, Momma of course not. I also wanted to say I love you and don't work too hard. It's Friday today, it's our movie date tonight" his son reminded him.

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