Part 13

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Still a short chapter😢

Gulf wasn't really in the mood for any kind of shopping right now and he could clearly see Win and Saint were also the same.

But of course their mothers weren't having any of their solemn mood and wanted to lift it up instead.

"Isn't this such a delicious ice cream, right guys?" Gun stated happily.

He look at his son, Win, to look for any reaction. But he could just see him playing it with his spoon.

'This is so not my son...He should be worshipping the ice cream right now...Hell I bet he could even devour the whole ice cream shop' Gun thought.

"Your Mommy Gun is right Win....Come on Saint try this Black forest flavor, its your favorite right?" Krist tried feeding his son with the spoon.

Saint just sigh and unwillingly ate the ice cream.

'What is happening to my baby' Krist is now worried.

"Okay that's it!" New bang the table and stood up. "All of us came here so we could all have fun.. I get it you guys have your problems that you don't want to share with us but we, your mothers, are not just going to just sit back and watch you kids be all gloomy.. We are going to get our happy babies back whether you kids like it or not!" 

Krist and Gun both share a mischievous and proud grin and stand along with New facing their kids who seemed to be in shock with the outburst of New.


A few moments later...


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The mothers are excitingly showing the tickets to their kids in front of the Inflatable indoor playground.

Gulf , Win and Saint are looking at their mothers being dumbfounded on where they are taking them right now.

"Mommy we are not 12 anymore" Win whined to his Mommy Gun.

"I can see that" Gun smiled at his cute son "Look at you so tall and fluffy" Gun even patted his bum bum like a kid.

"Mommy~" Win whined like a cute little kid and blushing with his mother's action.

"I'm not going in there" Saint stubbornly refuse with his arms cross in his chest.

"Look at my young baby acting all grown up" Krist squeeze his cheeks to which Saint softly swatted away.

"But Mom I am a grown up, I'm 17 years old already~" Saint argued.

"What about you baby, you have something to say?" New pointed out his son Gulf who was just being quiet.

"I think---" Gulf prolong his response.

Win and Saint didn't mind his answer cause they know Gulf would also throw a fit. But the the mothers are waiting for him expectantly.

"----it will be fun." Gulf said.

Saint and Win snap their necks to Gulf, "What?!?!" they both screamed in response.

"Yes!!!" the mothers are now in celebratory mode.

"Gulfie seriously?!?!" Saint is stunned with Gulf.

He just shrugged and look at Win and Saint "Come on guys, I'm tired to think of useless things instead let's just have fun like our mothers wants us to besides I bet they are so worried about  us that they resort to bring us into this so we could explode our energy like when we were kids, right Momma?" 

"I can't believe my baby is so smart and pretty and handsome and sexy and kind and cute and responsible and soft and--"

"We get it!" all of them screamed at New while laughing for over complimenting his son again.

"Okay now who wants to have some fun??" Gun jump around them.

"Me!!!" They all went laughing with their sons and played until they got to exhaust every energy they have for the day.


"OMG, are those who we think they are?" girl 1 squinted her eyes as she saw the three students in her school who were gaining almost all the attention for being attention seekers at their school.

"Shit I cant believe them.. They already flirted with each other and then flirted with our famous Mew, Bright and Zee and now they have their sugar daddies?!?!" girl 2 stated.

"Unbelievable" girl 3 mumbled.

"We are so going to get them busted" girl 4 said while snapping some shots of the three boy who were having fun playing inside the indoor playground.

"Girls I have an idea" girl 1 smirks evilly. "Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" she looks at her friends with a smug.

"We shall do our plan in the most convenient time where all students of our school are gathered together" girl 2 said.

"Yeah and the school field trip it is."

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