Llama Drama

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Well you sure read that right, I have a sudden urge to bring in angst , so it may be coming. Enjoy~

It was one conflict after the other, you couldn't survive without problems it wasn't right.

Everyone dealt with it, some worse than others.

"How is everything going perfect for you you literally aren't trying!" A person with scars yelled.

"Oh shut the fuck up cinnamon stick with your gas station balloon looking ass pancake smashed ass self." A scratchy voice raised his voice back at the male.

"Really? I know it wasn't musty crusty dusty austy fusty pusty qusty vusty yusty husty who was talking? I bet your mom got eaten out you spilled coffee on my phone you fucking ass." Insults wee a given in this place.

The new household for the former villains, a wide apartment they shared.

Well, Touya was only visiting for now.

"Their going at it alright." Toga took some of the popcorn Twice had offered her and tossed it into her mouth which was filled with the amazing butter.

Her fangs enjoyed the flavor. "I'm voting for Touya Magne." Toga held the picture frame of her friend, never forgetting about her.

"I have twenty bucks on Touya. Naw I got fifteen on Tomura. You do realize that's less of the amount I said first right? Shut the duck up." Twice argued with his other self.

"This is going to be another mess isn't it?" Kuroguri had already gotten his bleach and cleaning rags ready for the mess of soda cans and crumbs all over the floor.

"Believe it baby." Compress was ready to smoke a cigarette as he took off his mask.

"Sexy motherfucker wins." The television program said in a robotic way.

Shigaraki looked over at Touya with a questioning gaze. "Who the hell names themselves Sexy Motherfucker on a Just Dance program?" The blue haired male began to scratch his neck.

"At least I don't let fleas go on the floor." Touya whispered to himself seeing Shigaraki take place of a dog.

"What did you say? You want to go pretty boy?" Shigaraki got in his best boney fighting stance.

Touya stared at him with a dead emotionless face. "Never forget the time when Sniper Mask sniped the shit out of you and Kuroguri had to back you the fuck up." Touya put his hand on his hip.

"Thot pose." Compress spoke in a sing song voice.

But whatever Touya said made the purple blood snicker and Shigaraki seal his crusty lips closed.

"You for real still need chapstick though." Toga stood up with a pep in her step, taking her raspberry chapstick from the counter where she kept her cosmetics the boys respected.

"Here you go Shiggy!" Toga laughed with her fangs sticking out as she skipped over towards Shigaraki.

"What? Do I eat this?" He asked with a lifted thin brow staring at the pink stick.

The old league slapped their faces.

"For crying out loud here!" Toga grabbed his rough face and rubbed the chapstick on his crusty lips.

Shigaraki looked brand new with a gloss over his pale dead lips.

"Sheeeesshh!" The guys yelled biting their lips as the signature should.

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