Another Life

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Bohemian Rhapsody is a song by Queen. Set 0:01 - 2:38 has the perfect lyrics that sort of go with this stories flow. Sewer slide mentions. Enjoy~

You were astonished by the height of the building, and how it looked almost out of a kids story book.

But then again it would be in a horror movie with the dark and grey clouds coming over it, the cracks showing how many of years it's been there.

"That is definitely going to be a lot of stairs." You whispered to yourself feeling the breeze hit your neck, it made you shiver from how cold it was beginning to get.

There were windows galore showing the falsely stairs  from a distance with the mist and dirt that built up.

"I-it's. It's going to be a good jump from up there." You shivered at the thought, only needing to pass by this building once you pictured your final moment so quickly.

There was no gate that determined you were trespassing, it was just a mere abandoned site.

Deep down in the pits of your stomach, you didn't want to do it. An epistle or anything that involved having to show people you were desperately interact.

Touya was so kind, but he's a Todoroki too. He lives with him and I want nothing to do with him. I have no one left. You stepped to the buildings front door and paused.

Taking a second to touch your stomach feeling a bit of a rise in its size. "You've been abused so much with the things that have been thrown at me and you're not even born yet. It's a good thing for you, to go and be adopted." You didn't want to live this life.

"Never did I think that an unborn human would be the only one that stuck with me. Even if you don't survive in the end, I'll always love you." You kissed your palm and rubbed it on your growing stomach.

Another mother, but your own into your perspective, would automatically see that you care so much for every single one of your children or little kids in general.

Sometimes I do wish if I should've even been born. You remembered when everyone had derived in luxuriate being in your presence, a smile fading in just a split moment.

You weakly stepped inside of the building with the chilly breeze closing in. The place had a front desk almost like a hotel.

Seeing the sites and paintings they had with mannequins dressed up in raggedy old clothes, you came to a conclusion that it was a studio where creative people once used.

You coughed up from the dust and cob webs that got caught up in your face. "G-god this place needs a deep cleaning." You covered your mouth with the temporary permanent action of coughing.

On that hand you felt the watery red blood drop from your mouth, tasting more of a copper metal in the substance combined by cells.

The area around your mouth was pale as you were loosing much of the blood your body needed. "J-just suck it up. That's what everyone is going to say when I ask for help, that's why I'm leaving." You still held the ticket captive within you.

It was a good thing that you didn't have to pay for a child's ticket in that airline system, or else you would've been more without money than now.

At least it was enough for two meals.

"The stairs don't look so hard to climb." You walked a bit further to touch the cold rusty railing.

Facing up, you saw a flight of stairs shaped like the building, in a square shape with a circular rounded motion. "Pregnant women are supposed to exercise right?" You felt your palm grow sweaty on the railing staring up seeing the millions of steps that led up to small hallways.

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