Characters and bios

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Name:  Ozyrriks

Guardian Class: Warlock

Age(Pre-Resurrection): ???

Sex: Male

Height: 7'8

Weapon(s) of choice: Shock blades, dual shock pistols(On lower arms but can swap with shock blades)

Ghost Name: Sha



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Name: Audax-4

Guardian Class: Warlock

Age(Pre-Resurrection): 23

Sex: Male

Height: 5'11

Weapon(s) of choice: Monte Carlo, Gnawing hunger, eternity's edge

Ghost Name: Levis



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Name: Unknown

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Name: Unknown

Guardian Class: Hunter

Age(Pre-Resurrection): Unknown

Sex: (Assumed) Male

Height: 6'4

Weapon(s) of choice: Thorn

Ghost Name: Scar



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