Chapter 1: Please Stop

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Dixie POV:
TW: Rape
"I told you to stop going out wearing clothes like that!" Griffin yelled at me. He had slapped me so hard across the face my face felt as though it was broken. He pushed me down to the ground and was now yelling in my face. Pinning my wrist to the ground so tightly they felt as though they were broken. His face red with anger.

"Wh-What do you mean Griffin I was wearing my skirts." I said trying to move my face away from him. I felt my eyes start to get watery with tears forming in them. I hated when he would do this. He has done this everyday for the past 6 months of our marriage. And we've only been married a year.

"That's not what some buddies of mine were telling me. They told me you were out wearing jeans and a T-shirt. What happened to those skirts I bought for you?! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SKIRTS I BOUGHT FOR YOU AND ALLOWED YOU TO WEAR?" Griffin yelled at me. Squeezing tighter and tighter on my wrists with each second.

"I wore them honey I promise. I'm not calling your friends a liar but I would never go behind your b-back and disobey you like that." I said praying to god he would let go of me. I hated how abusive he had become. I sometimes wish I hadn't gotten married so young. I wish I had waited to meet other guys instead of getting married at 18. We got married February 1, 1953. Right after Griffin had just turned 21 and I was still 18.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME WHEN I SAY ONLY WEAR THE SKIRTS IM ALLOWING YOU TO WEAR WHEN YOU LEAVE THE HOUSE?" Griffin yelled in my face. Looking down into my eyes. With nothing in his eyes except happing and joy in my pain.

"Y-yes I understand." I said praying that this argument would be over. I hated how controlling he's become. He rarely ever allows me to see my friends and family. Once a week at most.

"Good now me make me dinner." Griffin said getting up but not before kicking my side. Kissing my head. Almost seeming to be happy with my fear and my pain.  Then going upstairs to our bedroom.

I could already see the bruises forming on my body from where he had hit me. I wanted to leave him. I wanted to tell all my friends and family what was going on in this house. But they wouldn't believe me. They all loved Griffin. Thinking he was the perfect man for me. But he wasn't. He was abusive and forces me to have sex with him every night until I get pregnant. He wants a child so bad and will go to any length to get one. Even if it means raping his own wife.

As I was pulling out the pots and pans to make dinner for him, I looked at all the photos we've taken over the years. We looked so happy. Because we were so very happy with our lives and our relationship. But now we or at least I am so unhappy in this marriage. I'm just a stay at home wife who gets abused by her husband constantly. Not the life I thought I would have.

I decided on making grilled chicken with mashed potatoes and veggies for dinner tonight. I know he loves that and maybe won't be so mad at me tommrow and will only put his hands on me once. I can hear the food almost done so I begin setting the table as I hear Griffins foot steps come down stairs.

"God Dixie why isn't my food ready yet?" Griffin said with a glare I could feel stinging into my back. With obvious irritation in his voice. I heard him pull his chair out and make him self a seat at the dinner table.

"I'm sorry Griffin the food is taking a little longer than normal. It should be done in the next minute." I said praying he wouldn't get to mad at me.

"Okay I'll wait but only 1 minute for my food that should've been done." He said obviously upset his food wasn't finished.

I finished setting up the table for me and Griffin just as the food was finished. I made his plate and gave it to him. With no thank you from him. And made my plate and sat down at the table with him.

"How was work honey?" I asked. "Good, Bryce and Addison are having a baby." He said. I knew he has something more today to me so all I responded with is, "Well I'll have to tell Addison congratulations when I see her next." "We need a baby. We've been married a year with no baby. I'm already 22 and you're 19. And we still don't have a kid." I knew he was upset and quite embarrassed by the fact that we don't have a kid yet. And that I've never even been pregnant. "I know and you've been trying for a baby but there's not much more we could do." When I said that, that's when Griffin lost his temper.

"GOD DAMMIT WOMAN I WANT A CHILD." He yelled at me. Making me jump a little in my seat.

"I-I know and believe me I want one too. But you've tried to get me pregnant almost every night since we've gotten married. It's going to take some time." I say trying to calm him down.

"TONIGHT. WE'RE TRYING AGAIN TONIGHT. AFTER DINNER WHEN YOU'RE DONE WASHING DISHES." He said getting up from the table and storming away. Barely haven taken a bite of his food.

As I picked up the dishes and threw away the uneaten food I wondered if I truly wanted a baby. Because I didn't know if I really did. Because if we did have a baby Griffin would never care for it. It would be just me basically. But Griffin really did want a baby. And he is my husband so I guess I should just give in.

As I make my way upstairs to our room I tell Griffin, "Hey hon tonight I really don't want to do it tonight. I just am not up for it." I could see the look on Griffins face a mentally and emotionally prepared myself. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT UP FOR IT. I AM THE ONLY GUY AT WORK WITH OUT A KID. WE'RE DOING IT TONIGHT."

And with that being said he raped me again. He abused his power over me. And I couldn't do anything to stop him.

As I was lying in our bed with my husband asleep next to me I couldn't help but have wondered why he hated me. Abused me, raped me. I needed to understand but I just couldn't. He tells me he does it out of love for me but I'm just not sure about it. I think he cares for me I just don't know.

Authors Note:
First chapter!! Either in the next chapter or the 3 one there will be a time jump

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