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Sherlock and John met accidentally.

Sherlock was in his first year at university in London at 17 studying chemistry; he was trying to get body parts to perform experiments from the morgue at St. barts to stop himself from taking drugs all because he was bored.

John was on the first placement of his third year studying medicine to become an army doctor, he had always wanted to be a doctor and help people, but he comes from a family with very little money therefor couldn't afford to put him through medical school, so he had to do it through the army.

They met when they ran into each other, literally, when Sherlock was high,, and about to pass out; John took him back to his flat, where he looked after sherlock for the rest of the night. The next morning, once Sherlock realised where he was and what has happened, he proceeded to deduce Johns whole life story and family history in 5 minutes but instead of being insulted,, john found it "wonderful" and "brilliant". From that moment they were best friends.

During the next year,,, John and Sherlock became closer; John became the only person who could put up with Sherlocks constants deducing and experiments. Not many john's other friends could understand why he was friends with sherlock. The more time john and sherlock spent together,, the further they fell for each other romantically, even though neither would admit it. John was still trying to convince everyone he was straight, even though the only person he was fooling was himself,, and Sherlock had always thought that romantic and sexual relationship were 'boring' and an 'unnecessary distraction'. A year after they met,, john and sherlock started living together in the cheapest flat that they could find in London; two months later,,, john went away for basic training for the army for 6 months.

In those 6 months,,, sherlock found it very hard to cope without his best friend/person falling in love with and started using again. Sherlock used drugs to replace the feelings of missing john and became dependent on them like he had become dependent on john being there every day.

It took John 3 days to find sherlock once he had returned from basic training; it was the most worried John has ever been in his life about anybody. Once John had found sherlock,, he got him back to their flat and proceeded to look after him and sober him up just like the first time they had met. As they call it, ' The Incident caused them both to confront their feelings for each other and admit them to the other person. After sherlock had sobered up and felt better, john and sherlock had and hart to hart where they talked about their feelings for one another. After a very long and hard (for both Sherlock and John) conversation, where sherlock made john promise to always come home to him,, and john made sherlock promise to stop using drugs, john asked sherlock to be his boyfriend,, and their relationship began.

Two months after they started their relationship,,, john got his first call up to the army. This upset sherlock to the point where he started to recoil into himself, but john stopped that from happening by making them talk to him about his worries. A month later,,, John was due to leave,, and the only communication they would have was over buffering skype and letters they would write to each other. On the morning that John was set to leave, they recited the promises that they made to each other just months previous at the beginning of their relationship.

During johns the first year deployed,,, sherlock found it harder to live without john than he did when John was at basic training; whether this was because he was actually out getting shot at or because they were dating,,, Sherlock didn't know,,, but he didn't want to dwell on it.

D.S. Greg Lestrade found sherlock in the morgue at St. barts as he was looking to get body parts for experiments from molly hooper. Greg would be lying if he said he wasn't intrigued by the young genius which somehow managed to solve his case without knowing all the details or even seeing the crime scene.

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