P. For Pressure

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If the rent for a one bedroom apartment runs you $850/month and you're making minimum wage in this country, how are you living? For the sake of this example that $850 is take home minus an additional $400, making $1250 the monthly total. Now, take that $850 and put it towards your rent. Now we're back to that $400. Presumably you drive a vehicle. Factoring in all that vehicle ownership entails, monthly expenses could vary and this is where problems could arise. You could find somewhere where it says that 57% of Americans could not cover a $500 emergency. Wait...wait...wait...you mean to tell me that, the "richest country" on the face of this earth allows this to happen? Just think of how quickly $500 comes and goes just living "regularly". An emergency is something that is outside of the "regular" spectrum, therefore, $500 could be detrimental and totally devastating should any emergency arise. Surely the Gloating, Big Stick toting only want friends voting crowd in Washington are aware of these pressing issues and they have their best on it night and day, right? We would think that would be the attitude taken by our "representatives", but it's NOT. All campaign promises that slip out of the mouths of the candidates on the trail tend to slip less and less as the final decisions draw ever nearer. Why can't we have a candidate that keeps it real? Some say that Donald J. was just that. I would have to reluctantly agree with this assessment. My agreement goes only as far as the respect does, and Donald has little to none of it from me. Being a truly authentic and genuine person only comes by way of not being a person given to Bias. If you say that you Love people just to simply turn around manipulate and use them, how do you sleep at night? If you sleep well, then you might just be part of the problem. Far too often Love is thrown around to sway the opinions of the average person on an emotional level. Tugging on heart strings does a lot more than honest speech and determination to right a wrong. If I preach Love just to show Hate, the "Hating" is justified by the fact that Love is what I'm associated with. The KKK preaches Jesus Christ as Savior and have done some unspeakably heinous things , yet they still have a following. Mentality: Jesus stands for Love, therefore there has to be a reason the KKK acts out towards certain people/races. Does the KKK even know what they are angry about? Where in the Bible does it say to "HATE YOUR NEIGHBOR UNTO DEATH..."? You would absolutely never find this in any of the many versions of the printed Bible. I'm just stating the obvious and it should be as obvious to anyone with any type of sense as well. How we have become a nation of followers (sheep) is still troubling to me. Being an American used to mean something, and something was always seen as everything in the eyes of the world. Maybe a New View overlooking the Brooklyn bridge into the Hudson would do it for some. What about the Golden Gate Bridge looking out into the Pacific? Although these are great views and do actually serve as places of tranquility and refuge for those who seek, these aren't the views that need adjusting. It should go without saying that everyone should just forget what is Said and worry about what gets done. Too many times we allow a smile to win us over . Smiles allow a lie to Look presentable while maintaining a demeanor necessary for the swindler to swindle. Lies have no Place in Truth. When the Truth is known, any lie that was ever in its place has no life or allowance to permeate any further. A politician Lies. National Security is sighted as the reason. A Doctor Lies. Confidentiality mustn't be broken between Doctor and Patient. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've always known a lie to be a lie. Is Stealing not as Great a Sin as Murder? Sin Is Sin. A Lie, told in any way, remains a lie forever. A lie is figured for truth and is discarded. After all this, nothing changes the fact that the lie was told and in doing so was given life. Truth never Kills a Lie, only the lie never being told could do that. Bottom line, DON'T LIE! When you lie, you're more likely to tell another or a few just to insure the initial lie is not compromised. "Saving Face" is a key player in the vicious cycle of repetitious falsehoods that make up nearly every aspect of our lives. We "make" ourselves appear perfect and without blemish when we spew these lies to protect and save our own necks. " I broke the glass when i lost my grip and it fell to the floor. I cleaned up the mess I made and plan to replace the glass, if not the whole set. I apologize." Using this example is just to show how overly easy admitting something so trivial as breaking a glass should be. A broken Glass? No big Deal! No Big Deal? Correct, it shouldn't be that hard to do. Fact of the matter is that most lies of grandeur start off as the most trivial, simplest and a lot of the time, the most harmless of infractions. Maybe if we learned to hold ourselves accountable for the things we do instead of looking at our neighbor with a Leary eye and perception, we would begin to realize the solution is within us all. If you want better , BE BETTER! And Lies will, in time, become a powder keg. We all know what a Powder Keg would do when the pressure becomes too great. 5...4...3...2...1...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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