We walk out the lecture theatre,  he walks me to his dorm. We walk,  all I can smell is aftershave and it goes straight to my head. He walks me to his bed, we sit down and go over what we learnt today.
"So what's our project?" I say with confusion, as I forgot to write it down, which is unusual to me.
"We have to read a book and write an essay of what the writer wants to portray-" he describes until he gets cut off, by someone walking through the door.
My eyes go wide and my breath gets stuck to my throat.
"Hey mate and um-" he says as he enters the door.
"Hey, this is Y/n, we are in the same classes, so she's round to help me." he says calmly as I gulp and try to speak. Not now Y/n, don't fuck up now.
"Well hi Y/n, I'm tom, It's nice to meet again. How are you?" he says with confidence, with a slight smirk around his mouth.
"H-hi T-tom, I'm good t-thanks, it's nice to meet again too!" I finally say, after painful silence. I go as red as a tomato because I just embarrassed myself, in front of Tom.
"I'm ok thank you. Are you sure you're ok? You seem a little nervous!" he says with a little compassion, but still with that cheeky smirk that he can't wipe off his face.
"Y-yeah, you could say that-um, do you know where the toilet is?" I say quietly as I feel my checks go more red.
"Yeah, they are just down there on the left." he says.
"T-thank you." I say as I walk up and get away quickly.
"What was that mate?" Bradley says, with a cheeky smile.
"What do you mean mate?" Tom says, with confusion but he knows exactly what he means.
"Tom, you know what I mean, don't mess her about." Bradley says, sternly.
"Well, I wasn't going to, but have you got a crush on her?" he says mockingly, with a smirk.
"No, I don't have a crush on her, but I want to be friends with her and I don't want to be looking after her, like everyone else you've had a one night stand with, then fucked them off." he whisper shouts.
"Well, it's not like that, and shut it, she's coming!" Tom shouts back.
I come back into the room and they are stood there, staring at me.
"Did you um hear what we were talking about?" Bradley says.
"N-no um, I heard some shouting, but It was muffled. Y-you ok?" I say nervously.
"No it's all good, I'm going out to the shops, do you two want anything?" Tom says sheepishly.
"Um, I'm ok mate, Y/n, do you want anything?" Bradley says turning to me.
"If your not getting anything, then I'm ok, thanks anyways." I say back.
"I can get you something if you want, I'm just buying snacks." Tom says.
"Um, I'm ok, do you have any drinks? I need to take my medication." I say.
"Yeah, we have something." Bradley says, getting up, searching the mini fridge and then chucks me a bottle of water.
"Thank you!" I say searching my bag.
"I'll be back." Tom says
"If we aren't here when you get back, we have gone to physics." Bradley shouts as Tom walks out.
An hour goes by, and we are getting ready to go to physics. We walk and talk on the way there. We get into physics, sit 1 hour of it, but all I can think about is food, and not fucking waves. The one hour goes painfully slow, and then we have 40 minutes of biology, which was fun, we were learning about the human body, and Bradley kept making dirty jokes. We were laughing the whole lesson and finally, 30 minutes of Chemistry.
We walk to Sophie, I see her stare at Bradley and he smiles. I know exactly what that stare is. "So Sophie, this is Bradley." I say trying to get them to speak, when I realise this is getting really awkward.
"Hey Sophie, how are you?" he finally says, as we are walking. Sophie is holding my hand and squeezing really hard, that it makes me squeal.
"Y-yeah I-I'm ok thank you, you?" she says, whilst staring at the floor.
We go to the little caffe and have lunch, whilst we make small talk and Bradley brings up the party. "So Y/n, have you had any thought about the party?" he says with a little hope.
"Party?" I hear Sophie say. Sophie loves to party and it would be weird for her not go to one.
"Yeah, there's one on Saturday, at the frat house, why don't you come? Everyone's welcome!" he says hoping she'll come.
"Yeah, I've thought about it, I don't know if it's-"
I get cut off by Sophie "yes we will come!" she says, as I give her dagger eyes, thinking what the fuck was that for.
"Well ok, I'm exited, the dress code is summer, so shorts and a cropped top." he says. We keep talking, then we part as I go to Art. I get seated and start my work. At the end of the lesson, I get everything sorted and grab my bag. I go to my car and call my dad, to tell him how my day went. It's weird not seeing him everyday, but calling him makes me feel a little better.
I get into the dorm and chuck my shoes, then lay flat on my bed, until someone comes back. Next thing I hear is Z, opening the door.
"Hey, you ok?" Z says looking over me.
"Yeah I'm good thank you, how are you?" I reply.
"Yeah, I'm good thanks, I'm just getting ready to go out, but I'll be back at 11ish." Z says rushing round looking for stuff.
"Ok, well have a good time." I say with a smile.
She leaves. I get in pyjamas and put on a face mask. I get on my iPad and watch Netflix. I don't remember what happened after that, my eyes grew heavy and everything just went black.

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