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I sat in my room playing with the barbie I got my my birthday. It was today! I just turned 6. When all of a sudden I heard a loud bang coming from the living room. My mummy always told me, since the day my dad died, if I ever heard something that was unusual I was to hide in the safe room that was hidden in my closet.

I grabbed my bear and made a run for the closet. I tried not to make any noise and I quickly slipped in. I sat in there cuddling my bear as tightly as I could. Not making any noise, as I cried.

I heard my bedroom door open and I heard heavy boots treading on the hardwood floor. Then I heard my closet door open, my clothes being racked around. I stayed as silent as I possibly could. And then the door closed. I let out a quiet sigh of relief, but I didn't dare to move in case they were still here.

I fell asleep in the room, clinging onto my bear. I felt someone shaking me awake. I jolted in surprise and my eyes shot open. Sore from crying myself to sleep. "Shh shh, you're okay. Hey sweetie. I'm stassie black" I rubbed my eyes and sat up straight "how did you find me?" I asked. She gave me a light smile "I worked with your mum, she told me about this place in case of emergencies. Now honey I need you to come with me okay, I need to take you to your new home" she answered. "What about my mummy? Where is she?" I asked, water filling my eyes again. "She's dancing in the clouds now honey, I'll explain it to you when your older" she smiled. "It's okay, I know where she is, she's with daddy" I tried to fight back the tears.

She nodded and took my hand. We got into her car and we drove off. Away from my home. Away from my mum. Away from the place I grew up in. Away.

Shortly we arrived at this tall building, kind of looked like a castle. A little girl rushed out of the building and gave me a hug. "Hi" I giggled slightly. "Hi, I'm Zendaya!" She said enthusiastically. "Where am I?" I asked. "You're at the orphanage. But we don't call it that here. We call it spy school!" Zendaya said. I nodded and looked at stassie "spy school?" I asked her. Miss black nodded, "this is what your mum wanted, you're gonna be a spy just like her" she smiled. I turned back to Zendaya. "I'm gonna be your new stepsister! Or in other words, best friends for life!!" She said excitedly.

"Once you two are 18 you'll be working me me in this spy agency called MI6. I'll see you then. Bye for now ladies" miss black said before walking off...

"Come on, we've got training really early tomorrow" Zendaya smiled.
I held my lip in between my teeth as I pulled the trigger, shooting this big muscular guy right between the eyes. Oh shit, you guys are probably thinking, what? When did this happen? Why is she shooting at 6 years old. Well here's a quick catch up. I grew up with Zendaya in spy school. I was top of the class and graduated at 18. Once I graduated I found miss black again who got me a job as an agent. Now 4 years later. I'm one of the best agents in my field. I'm currently on a mission right now. Taking down the roger mobs drug issue with Zendaya. It was only a weeks job so I was getting to go home today. Anyway. Resume...

The body fell limp to the ground as I turned to Zendaya letting my lip fall from my teeth. That was just kind of something I did when I shot people. "Call back up, get them to clean this up before someone sees us. I'm still not on the grid and I'd like to keep it that way" I said. Zendaya smirked at me and I giggled "what?" She just shrugged "you just wanna be put on the Holland case don't you?" I blushed and smirked. The Holland case was legendary. He was a hot mob boss who was yet to be taken down, you weren't allowed to be on the grid to do the mission, in case you got compromised.

"What? It sounds fun" I shrugged. "Nah, you're just saying that cos he's hot as fuck" she said chuckling. I laughed too. Truth is yes, Tom Holland is a very handsome man. But the job is the job.

All of a sudden Zendaya's watch started beeping, which indicated we were needed at the office ASAP. So we went to the car and drove off.

"You needed us Miss Black?" I asked walking into her office. "Ah, girls. Yes Robyn I've got a new case for you" she replied. I groaned, I only just got off of a case. "Don't groan at me, you're gonna like this one" she smirked. I tilted my head, waiting for her to carry on. "I want you to take the Holland case" my eyes widened. Finally.

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