Chapter 15: Reaper Sensei And Her Pet Bird

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As Calli and Kiara stepped out of the portal, Kiara jumped off the reaper's back onto the grass. They were standing in a familiar scene, the grounds of kunugigaoka junior highschool's E class. Kiara, to avoid having to work, turned into a bird and perched atop Calli's shoulder. Reluctantly, Calli stepped forward lightly, flash stepping to the door of the building. She silently slid inside and the familiar voices of the students filled the halls.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" Kiara whispered to her. Calli sighed yet again and knocked on the door. Less than a second later, the door was open. At the front of the class was a yellow octopus looking man in black robes and a graduation hat. He was made of a mucus like substance, and he had tentacles for limbs. 

As Calli stepped in, the classroom went silent. A few kids made easy pickings for Calli's eyes; Karma Akabane's bright red hair. Nagisa Shiota's feminine frame and blue hair. Kayano Kaede's green hair and gold eyes.  Irina's indecent clothing. Those were not the only people in the room, but they stood out most. Calli stepped to the front of the class and Kiara hopped onto the teacher's desk. Koro-sensei flashed in front of them, smiling like usual.

"Hell-o! You two must be the new teacher! I'm Koro-sensei, these kids' home room-" he was cut off by Calli accidentally shooting a glare at him. 

"EIIEEEE-" The octopus hid behind Mr. Karasuma, who had just walked in. There was a moment of silence before Karasuma spoke.

"Mind introducing yourself?" He said. Kiara nodded, forgetting she was a bird. Calli bopped her head in reprimanding. 

"Not you, silly." She then materialized her scythe to lean on, forcing the students on guard. One of them, Terasaka, accidentally pulled the trigger of the gun he'd pointed. Instinctively, Calli swung her scythe, cutting the BB in half. 

"Terasaka Ryoma, am I right?" She walked swiftly to his desk and leaned on it, bending closer to his face.

"The name's Calliope Mori, welcome to hell." 

Her words held some truth after all, the students soon found out. During recess, Terasaka challenged her to a duel of sorts. At first, Calli refused; she hadn't wanted to wind up in this mess. However, a few mocking chirps from Kiara changed it, and she accepted. Now, at the present time, she was standing in a small circle, about a foot wide. 

"If I leave the circle, I lose. If I use my scythe, I lose. If you get severely injured, I lose. If I use my right  hand, I lose," she said, "does that work for you?"

"Fine by me." Terasaka smirked and got in position, a taser in one hand and a knife in the other.

"Three..." Nagisa began.

"Two..." Calli stared.

"One..!" Terasaka launched himself at Calli, and a blink of an eye later, he was tumbling down into the rocks, and Calli's left hand had been lifted. Terasaka stood, his eyes wide. He had scrapes from the fall, and his lower lip was bleeding. Aside from that, he was fine. Even so, Kiara hopped onto his shoulder, effectively healing his wounds.

"What the hell? This bird is seriously hot." Terasaka said, trying to shove Kiara away.

"I know." Said Calli instinctively. There was a pause, and then the bird cackled. 

"CALLIIIIIIIIIIIIII" it shouted in between laughs, and the reaper blushed. She ran over and bopped the bird's head again.

"I meant temperature, Kusotori." Terasaka edged away, disturbed. 

"Did you just...have a convo with a bird-?" Asked Rio Nakamura. Calli nodded before slumping down at a table that had conveniently been placed in the training field. 

"That tired you out?" Irina teased, sitting beside her.

"No, but that did." Calli pointed accusingly at Kiara, who was now being prodded at by various students. In an irritated puff of smoke, the fiery bird returned to her humanoid form, devoid of clothing. 

"KIAAARRAAAAA" Calli shouted despairingly as she stormed over to the bird. She wrapped the girl in her cloak, annoyed. 

"They were poking meeee." Kiara puffed one cheek out. Rio made an "oooooh" sound and giggled evilly, Karma doing the same. Nagisa hit the back of Karma's head.

"Knock it off, you two!" He hissed, before shoving them out of the way. 

"Feisty." Karma giggled, allowing himself to be pushed by the small blue boy.

(Still a draft, but I thought I had to get something  out. I'm returning to in-person education soon, so the chapters might be even more all over the place. Darn it. Stay happy, stay healthy, and say safe! -May)

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