Мои Дети (5)

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~~~~~~~~4 Years Later~~~~~~~~

Grip. Swing around waist. Leg over shoulder. Leg choke throat. Push up. Grip head. Break. 

"Продолжай! Вы видели, как я это сделал?" (Go on! You saw how I did it?) I started teaching my kids, as, yes, 4-year-olds. They live in the red room, who's currently allies with HYDRA. They need to learn.
"Возьмитесь за руку противника. Используйте его, чтобы приподняться настолько, чтобы обхватить обе ноги с одной стороны от противника. Обхватите ногами бедра соперника. Используйте хватку, чтобы подтянуться так, чтобы одна нога перекинулась через его или ее плечо. Используйте это положение, чтобы приподняться на его плече. Используйте коленный сустав, чтобы сомкнуть горло противника, душив его, пока вы не встанете достаточно, чтобы схватить его за голову, и быстрым движением вы сломаете ему шею." (Grip your opponent's arm. Use it to lift yourself up enough to wrap both your legs on one side of the opponent. Hook your legs around your opponent's hips. Use your grip to pull yourself up enough to get one leg over his or her shoulder. Use the position to pull yourself half up on his or her shoulder. Use your knee-joint to close around the opponent's throat, choking them, until you've gotten up enough to grab their head, and in a fast movement you break the person's neck.) I explained while showing everything in slow motion. On the doll, of course. 

"По одному. Ванда, ты встаешь первой." (One at the time. Wanda, you are up first.) Wanda slowly stepped forwards, doing what I just instructed. But when she tried to pull herself up, she fell on her butt.

"В порядке. Смотреть. Собираясь подтянуться, тоже нужно прыгать. Еще рано пытаться подтянуться голыми руками. Вам нужно сделать так, чтобы все было устойчивым. Понял?" (Ok. Look. When you are going to pull yourself up, you need to jump too. It's a bit too early for you to try pulling yourself up by your bare arms. You need to make everything steady. Understood?) Wanda nodded.
"Хорошо. попробуй снова" (Good. Try again.) Wanda did as she was told, and everything went perfectly until the pull up from leg over shoulder movement. 
"В порядке. Это другое дело. Также вам нужно задействовать мышцы ног, чтобы подтянуться. И в следующий раз наклонитесь еще немного слева от вас. Это делает его более устойчивым." (Ok. This is another thing. You also need to use your leg muscles to pull yourself up. And next time, lean a little more over at your left. It makes it a bit more steady.) I explained. This time she did almost perfectly.
"Очень хороший! В следующий раз чуть быстрее, и когда вы собираетесь сломать шею, хватайтесь за подбородок, но не за него, а по бокам, как будто закройте рот. и хорошо схватить его за голову. Вы можете приложить немного пальца к волосам, чтобы лучше захватить их." (Very good! Next time a little faster, and when you are going to break the neck, grab around the chin, not over it, but at the sides, like close a gap. And make a good grab at his head. You can fest some of your finger in the hair to get a better grip.) She did the same again, only with my adjustments. 
"Чудесно! Вы натуральный! Повторяйте это снова и снова, пока я не присмотрю за вашим братом, хорошо?" (Wonderful! You are a natural! Repeat it again and again, until I have watched over your brother, ok?) Wanda nodded, and I went over to Peter.

"Покажи, что ты получил." (Show what you got.) I ordered softly. Peter did the same as Wanda when she had her adjustments. 

"Ух ты! Просто ... используй свою форму немного лучше, например, ты немного меньше, используй это в своих интересах." (Wow! Just... use your form a little better, like, you are a little smaller, use that to your advantage.) I explained. 

~~~~~~~~Three Hours Later~~~~~~~~

"Быстрее!" (Faster!) I ordered both. No matter how good you were on something, you could ALWAYS be better.
"Быстрее!" (Faster!) The young children kept going until they were so tired, it was sloppy.

"Вы двое естественны!" (You two are naturals!) I exclaimed, kissing both's forehead. I was about to say something more, when I heard footsteps outside. The easy and silent sounds it made, made me understand that it was Madame B.

"Дети, ложатся спать." (Children, go to bed) I ordered, putting on my emotionless face.

"но-" (but-) They started, but I cut them off as the door's lock clicked open.

"Кровать. Теперь." (Bed. Now) I ordered. Both of them understood that this was a serious matter and ran to bed as the door opened.

"Natalia." Madame B. greeted.

"Madame B." I greeted back.

"Come with me." She said walking out of the room. I followed her, saying mentally to Wanda that I soon would be back. She responded with a single ok. 
Madame B. went into the combat room.

"You'll be showing that the pregnancy didn't make your skills sloppy." Madame B. explained. Inside, a girl stood, emotionless.

"This is Tiara, she is the best girl in our group now. You'll be fighting. Kill the other." I felt my heart stop at that. I was a chance I couldn't get back to my babies.

"Go." She said, taking a step back. Tiara's first movement was to go after my legs. I jumped over, catching a punch, using her arm to flip both over. She threw a knife at me, which I kicked away. Then I remembered something. My signature skill. I felt myself being tripped over, I rolled down, but Tiara was on me before I could blink. She started to strangle me. I let myself seem weaker than I really was, before swinging my legs over her arms, making her elbows collapse, I then kicked at her throat, making her fall back and standing up couching. Then I remembered what I just did with Wanda and Peter.
I gripped Tiara's arm, using it to wrap both of my legs at one side over her hip, hooking them there. Using that to pull myself up so I could get my leg over her shoulder. I pulled myself up so my leg was pressing Tiara down. I wrapped my knee-joint around her throat, choking her, and grabbing her head, breaking the neck.
All of that happened in three seconds, in other words, so fast that nobody knew what I was going to do.

"I see you still are the same." Madame B. said with a hint, just a hint, of proudness in her voice.

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