Part 24

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They all arrived at the Humung Cave, filled with curiosity, although a few couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Throughout the journey, Aiden and Mike exchanged intense glances, which left Stella breathless. She didn't know what to say to Mike, as in the end, she felt more guilty. She was on the verge of breaking down into tears. Her face turned red, and her lips trembled with fear.

Stella finally mustered the courage to speak to Mike.

"Mike, I truly am sorry," Stella said. Each word from her was like a soothing balm, instantly calming Mike. "Because of me, you, Robin, Riana, everyone is going through this."

He looked at Stella with a caring smile and said, "No, Stella, that wasn't your fault. It was my fault."

Is he alright? Stella couldn't understand why she felt such a strong connection with Mike as if he were someone very close to her heart, and why his smile had such a comforting effect, as though nothing had ever happened. 

They both looked at each other very profoundly until Riana interrupted them.

"Let's go, guys.", Riana told them.

Mike pretended to cough, and Stella took a deep breath in surprise.

Before they all left, Mike reassured Stella not to be scared, reminding her that he was always there for her.

For the first time in a while, a smile graced the corner of her lips.

"Humung cave is the biggest cave in the world. This cave is made between 221–190 BCE, or you can call it the era of the Lyano dynasty. King Levenado not only he's one of a successful warrior but also a kind-hearted king who ruled both the kingdom and people's hearts successfully for many years. Under his realm, he made this cave for his own people's safety." Aiden was briefing about the history of the Humung Cave, but one guy interrupted and asked, "But I don't think this cave would be saving anybody".

Aiden chuckled and replied, "Yes, your question is valid, but you shouldn't doubt the intentions of a King who ruled for nearly a decade. What you see now is just a small portion of this cave. It is one of the largest caves in the world. Don't worry, guys, we'll unveil almost everything..." He paused for a moment, gazed at Mike, and finished his sentence, "...about this cave, of course."

Aiden was well aware of Mike's temperament and knew how to provoke him.

"Robin, I don't know why, but I feel like I've met this guy before," Mike mentioned.

Robin responded with a chuckle, "Well, obviously, Mike, you did meet him yesterday.

"Shut up, Robin, not yesterday. The more I look at him, the more I get this sense of knowing him from somewhere," Mike insisted.

Robin replied, "No idea, bro, the way he's looking at us is quite unsettling. I don't think you've met him before."

Mike nodded in agreement, saying, "Yeah, I know. If he had met me before, he wouldn't be standing here."

As they entered the cave, they were all struck with awe. It was no longer just a cave; it was like stepping into a new world. Inside, there were numerous clay homes, and the ventilation was remarkable, even though they were underground. At the entrance, a heavy iron gate stood, a testament to the security measures taken to keep out enemies or wild animals at night.

Stella was overwhelmed with excitement. She had only ever imagined this place in her mind and never thought she would see it with her own eyes. Her heart brimmed with delight, and in that moment, she forgot all the tensions that had weighed on her mind for so long. Finally, she uttered a sentence she had never even imagined saying, "Thank you, Mike."

Mike gazed at her, and he had never felt a greater sense of satisfaction in his entire life than seeing Stella happy.

"You know, Mike," Aiden continued, "these monuments were crafted by the world's finest artisans, summoned from various corners of the globe by King Levenardo. They represent unique and magnificent works of creativity that can only be found in this place, as the craftsmen swore not to replicate them elsewhere."

"But Stella, you've never been to this place before. How do you know so much about it?"

"I've read about it, Mike. I've read about it so many times. If you ask me anything about this place, I can answer without even thinking," Stella replied.

"You're amazing, Stella. I've been here twice with my father, but I had no clue about all this," Mike admitted.

Stella laughed and said, "Come on, Mike, let me show you something."

She took hold of his hand and led him to a particular spot.

"Oh my goodness, it's here, Mike!" Stella exclaimed with overflowing happiness.

Mike was puzzled. "What is it?"

"Can you see that carving of a king on the stone?" Stella asked.

"Yeah, I can see it," Mike replied.

"Do you know who created it?"

"Probably his people, they've made so many carvings in various places."

"No, Mike, this one is exceptional."

"Why is it exceptional?" Mike inquired.

"This one was carved by Queen Marian, who was once just an ordinary villager but also a remarkable warrior. Here, all the men and women needed to learn various skills for their own safety and to defend their kingdom when the need arose.

Queen Marian deeply loved King Levenardo, but she couldn't express her feelings because she understood her place. However, times change. When King Levenardo battled King Adric, an evil ruler from the south, it was one of the most devastating wars the world had ever witnessed. Levenardo was nearly killed by Adric, but Queen Marian saved him and his kingdom."

After defeating the southern kingdom in the war, King Levenardo asked Marian to request anything she loved most. However, she initially refused, knowing that it could lead to trouble for her and her family if she asked for it.

"But the King insisted that she ask with honesty."

Marian was not just a great fighter but also a brilliant and intellectual woman – a beauty with brains.

"So, what did she eventually ask for?" Mike was deeply engrossed in her storytelling, eager to learn more about King Levenardo and Queen Marian.

"She conveyed her feelings indirectly," Stella explained.

"How did she do that?" Mike asked.

Stella further explained, "She expressed that as a common citizen of Aerobi, her primary allegiance would forever belong to her King and her homeland. She yearned to stand by the King and defend her homeland."

"That was enough for the King to understand Queen Marian's feelings. He could see the love in her eyes. Suddenly, he declared that he would marry Marian, despite knowing her humble origins, because he was deeply impressed by her dedication and devotion to his kingdom and himself. So, you can see, this is Queen Marian's home, where she carved this stone in memory of King Levenardo."

Stella couldn't stop smiling while looking at the carving, and Mike remained completely engrossed in the story she had shared.

As Stella was about to leave the spot, Mike gently held her hand from behind. When Stella turned to face him, she saw an intense look in his eyes, as if he desperately wanted to express something but was holding back.

Her heart began to race, and she inquired, "What's on your mind, Mike?"

Mike hesitated for a moment and then asked, "If I were in her place, do you know whose face I'd love to have carved?"

Stella was taken aback by his question, as it was entirely unexpected. She was eager to know whose name he would choose, but at the same time, she was also afraid of what his answer might be.

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