Chapter 18.

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Harry has been distant all week, and Louis doesn't know why. He never knows why Harry acts so weird all the time. Louis hasn't gone back to the dance academy after the embarrassment he went through the other day, and he doesn't want Brianna to have fun showing him off either, it's not like he likes seeing his girlfriend every day, going to the academy means seeing Brianna, he'd rather not.

On Thursday, Louis sets out to talk to Harry, he doesn't like the younger boy's cold attitude, they haven't spoken in four days, every time Louis asks him a question he just nods or shakes his head without saying a word, avoiding any kind of conversation. Louis shouldn't feel so bad about it, but he does, this situation is worse than when he stops talking to his friends, they don't have interesting conversation topics, for that reason he doesn't miss talking to them, instead Harry always has something interesting to talk about, or is it just that he likes to talk to him about anything. No, of course he doesn't. He refuses to admit it.

He goes to the curly one's room and opens the door without knocking first. He regrets it as soon as he sees Harry with his pants off, wearing only a white T-shirt and underwear. The younger boy doesn't even flinch, unlike Louis who has lost all color from his face.

"Fuck." He mutters. Harry ignores him and continues ironing boxer shorts that belong to Louis' father.

Harry isn't wearing boxers like all the boys these days, he's wearing something very much like a thong. Louis can't ignore the fact that there are sequins decorating his underwear, which is pretty strange if you ask him.

He shouldn't be looking at his legs the way he is, but he's never seen such nice legs, and what's worse is that they belong to a guy. The strangest thing is that they are also shaved. They definitely don't look like men's legs at all, more like women's legs. Louis clears his throat before speaking.

"Uhmm, sorry, I must learn to knock on doors before entering..... I..." He fiddles with his hands nervously. "You're..." Harry interrupts him.

"It's all right, I'm not a woman, there's nothing you want to see." He says coldly, without looking at him. Louis frowns.

"Yes, exactly, yes, there's nothing I want to see, of course not, pfff." He lets out a snort and goes back to looking at the younger boy's legs.

"What did you want?" He asks seriously, as if he wants to end the conversation, without taking his eyes off the garment he is ironing.

"Why are you ironing in your underwear?" He asks curiously. Harry shrugs.

"I do it all the time, it's a habit." Louis grimaces.

"So you just take off your pants every time you go to iron something?" He can't take his eyes off his legs, thankfully Harry isn't looking at him.

"Yeah, I do."


"Have you remembered what you wanted yet?" He looks up after turning off the hot iron. Louis looks up right away too.

"I actually wanted to talk to you because you've been acting weird and I want to know why you're avoiding me, just like now." He emphasizes. Harry dodges his gaze.

"Me? Avoiding you? I didn't realize I was." He's lying.

"Harry, what's wrong? Are you uncomfortable? Do you want to quit? Don't you like it here anymore? Why are you acting weird?" He asks worriedly. Harry shakes his head.

"No, I do like it here. It's all right, Louis, really, I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine." He smiles falsely without showing his teeth.

"Hey, uhmm, I'm sorry if I said or did anything wrong, most of the time I don't know when I'm wrong, but I apologize if I offended you with anything. I don't want you to be distant anymore, I like talking to you and I like us to be friends." He takes a few steps towards the boy who is crestfallen.

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