Chapter 30.

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He is intrigued and anxious. He has to wait alone on the bench while Louis heads to the locker room with his group of friends. The girls take that moment to harass him with questions.

"Harry, we want to ask you something." The blonde starts. Harry observes attentively the girls who obstruct his sight. "Are you gay or are you just very effeminate? I say that because of your make-up, and well, because of all the other aspects of your personality." She giggles, trying to disguise it. Harry cringes.

"Stop bothering me." He says, dodging the girls' stares.

"We're not bothering you, I asked you a simple question." Gigi continues. "Are you gay? We want to know."

"That's not your problem." He answers crestfallen.

"We are friends with Brianna, you should know that she would have liked to be here, but she is sick." Danielle comments. Harry looks at her sideways.

"I know she's sick. I don't care what you have to say, leave me alone." But they have no intention of leaving until they see him very angry or very devastated.

"Are you trying to seduce Louis with that makeup? You're still a boy and you'll still be a boy, whatever you wear." Mocks the blonde girl. At this point Harry wishes he had listened to Jenn, he shouldn't have come with makeup.

"I'm not trying to be a girl. Leave me alone." He defends himself. He just hopes Louis will hurry up and get out of this place fast.

"Brianna has told us a lot about you. She said you were an offer, that you offer yourself to all the boys and then act like a helpless baby. That you think you're the best dancer and that the instructor only feels sorry for you because your family abandoned you for being a sissy." That last sentence manages to bury itself like a knife in Harry's heart. Gigi feels proud when she sees that she has managed to touch a weak point, Brianna will be happy to know what his reaction was.

"It's not true, go away." He whispers in a cutting voice.

"She also says that your boyfriend is just using you as a toy, just like all the boys who have used you." Harry bites his lip hard, trying his hardest not to cry in front of these girls.

You shouldn't cry, that's the reward people who try to hurt you get. Remember Jennifer's words. She tends to tell him that all the time, she hates to see him cry more than anything, but she knows that Harry is very broken internally and that anything negative said to him will open up an old wound. He's a person trying to put his pieces together and stay on his feet, but just when he manages to put them together someone takes it upon themselves to kick it all in and ruin his progress. It's a lot harder when you're a kid Harry's age and you've been through everything he's had to go through. Only Jennifer understands.

These girls don't deserve his tears, they are not right in what they say, they don't even know him. Harry has only had two boyfriends in his short life and has only been used by one, that doesn't give them the right to judge him, surely they have a great track record with guys and are just trying to reverse the situation to make themselves look like saints and make him feel bad.

"At least we already know that we have to take care of our boyfriends from guys like you, just like Brianna will have to take care of hers." Danielle continues, looking at him with repulsion as if he had some contagious disease.

"Likewise, Louis will never reciprocate, it's obvious, he won't exchange a classy girl like Brianna, for someone so ordinary and miserable of the same sex. Stop dreaming about Louis, you are very naive if you really think you can compete with Brianna. You're not even close to her feet." Harry is starting to believe everything they say, it's not hard for him to believe everything bad he hears, he always belittles himself by thinking the same way, when other people tell him they are simply stating what he already knows.

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